So, It Begins...

Sep 02, 2005 20:35

And so I have now joined the ranks of the bloggers....I'm still not sure if I should be proud, or just kind of resigned to writing something else most people will never read.

So, I guess this is where I post something....Strange, I remember thinking of things to write before, but now my mind's blank...Maybe it has something to do with how extremely tired I am right now. I need to sleep, especially since I'm going camping with Ashley tomorrow. I don't want to be a drag.

Wow. I feel pretty aloof right now,nothing to write, nothing to talk about. So I haven't simply joined the ranks of bloggers, I've joined the ranks of the annoying bloggers that have nothing of any real value to say.
Man, I hope this is just writer's block...
Anyone who reads this, I'm not always like this, and I'll try and think of something of value. There's gotta be something, somewhere.
If somebody reads this, could you post a comment, even if it's a useless one, just so I know somebody actually read this.

And Kari, if you read this during the weekend, thanx for the chat that one day. I really have felt more at ease with everything since then. And thanx to Ashley for setting up this account for me.
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