The saga of the jobless wonder

Jul 18, 2008 16:50

Thanks for all the wishes of luck :)

I went to my job interview...after only getting four hours of sleep.  From what I can tell, I didn't get the job.  The woman I talked to said they didn't really need people until next month, something I can understand.  The way she looked at me, talked to me, and what she gave off pretty much did the talking for her, though.  She was giving me one of those "" looks.  Maybe I'm wrong and I'll get a call closer to next month, but I'm not counting on it.  I already wasn't that cool on the idea of working there anyway.  There was a lot of confusion last week about them calling me.  Translation:  the managers couldn't get on the same page about who they were considering hiring, so no one knew who had tried to call me (I didn't get the message they left because I can't get the answering machine to play back for me, and Jason's mom is terrible about giving me messages).

I'll look into other places...I've been told one of the movie theaters is hiring.

The good thing about this was I got to hang out with my brother for a couple of hours.  I don't get to see him very often, and I don't hear from him very often since he's been busy with work.  It still blows my mind that he's 19, taller than me, and talking about college.

Now then, I think I need a snack and maybe a nap before I try to do anything else today.


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