Feb 19, 2012 21:03
Updates so far: I didn't snog AG. We did different Drama pieces. Both of which went very well. He was very nervous beforehand and I did try to comfort him. In fact, I got to sit next to him and chat for about three hours. Which was...lovely. No, it really was. We actually managed to have a several fairly rewarding conversations despite my constant staring into his eyes (which are BEAUTIFUL- light blue and easy to get lost in, though criminally hidden behind his glasses) and vain attempts to touch his shoulder. Unfortunately, I have discovered that he is EVEN weirder about physical contact than I AM!
Scene: I impulsively hug him after seeing his drama performance.
AG: AAAAAAAAAAARGH I don't like feelings!
Me: Sorry about that.
AG: It's ok. It's not that I have a problem with feelings but...I don't know, I'm not a feelings nazi.
Me: Ok...
Two of our mutual friends who were watching this epic display of awkwardness fell about in stitches. AG and I then had a short conversation about bagels.
I can deduce two things from this. Either he doesn't like public displays of affection from crazy girls or he has realized that said crazy girl has fallen madly in love with him. Probably both. Also, he likes bagels.