Technology is cool

Jun 11, 2009 13:56

Garren flew out to Madrid on Tuesday, and due to the awesomeness that is the iPhone, it's a lot more fun and interactive then when he went to Cypress three years ago. With his international deal, he can send & receive texts, so I get updates about what he & his grandfather are doing. Because of the built in camera phone, Garren has been emailing me pictures of the city, his food, street performers... it's really cool.

While it's not quite like being there with him (which he now knows international travel without me will not happen again!), it's definitely better than a couple of emails sent over the span of the trip. It's almost like I get to be there with him. (But I also get to experience it from afar, when he's doing things like eating pig brain from its body or squid cooked in its ink. I have pictures of this.)

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