Today's Meme is brought to you by the letter "L"

Apr 26, 2006 16:10

This is how it works: comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation of what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.

sionainn assigned me the letter "L".

  1. Love: I love Scott, and Kasey and my cats. I could wax poetic about Love, but really the word just speaks for itself.

  2. Laugh: I love to laugh. I love to make Kasey laugh. I'll do anything I can to make him laugh. Yes, even resorting to tickling. I'm such a bad mother. ;-)

  3. Light: Oh how I love light. Daylight that is. It doesn't have to be clear. Like today, sorta grey and overcast. But there is still light. I love the longer days. The short days of winter wear on me.

  4. Learn: I always thought that if I won the lottery, I'd become a professional student. Studying whatever took my fancy. But since going to some great art panels (with really great artists) at the last con. I'd like to go back and study art. ya.

  5. Lilacs: looovveeee, love, love lilacs. Got two on our property. One in full bloom, the other not far behind. Mmmm I love lilacs.

  6. Las Vegas: Viva Las Vegas! My chorus is going to international competition this fall in Las Vegas. Psyched to go to the competition, and totally psyched to go to Las Vegas. I simply MUST find time to do the Star Trek Experience. *geek*

  7. Lightning Don't get a lot of thunder and lightening storms in Western Washington. Lightening here is more rare then snow. I love to lay in bed with the lights off, and watch it flash outside my window.

  8. Licorice Red. Chewy. Yummie. Best at a movie.

  9. Lewt: Gamer reference. Be it pen and paper or video games. Gotta love the Lewt

  10. Lunch: I'm hungry. Need to find something to eat!


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