Nov 20, 2008 23:19
Well the movie comes out today and I will be avoiding the movie theaters and the mall with a movie theater like the plague.
I can't really express in words how I LOATHE the book series. Bella and Edward should just die and MAYBE then the story would be half decent. Yes I have read the books and I wish I could get back the time I wasted on them. I really wanted to give them a chance, but they just killed me, it felt like reading a really bad fanfic with a Mary Sue and a Gary Stue as leading characters.
I understand that it sells well and that girls like it, but HOPEFULLY they won't be influenced to be like either of the main characters. Bella is quite the epitome of the girls I loathe and would never think of dating. Edward is a freaking stalker who needs to get over himself and stop being so god-damn emo.
Overall, I am glad I don't have teenage daughters right now so they don't read this crap and squeal about how they want a bf like Edward, believe I've been in an abusive relationship before, you don't want to be in one, trust me.
If you like it as your guilty pleasure and brain candy, that's fine, just don't compare it to Harry Potter. Believe even I had a guilty pleasure...Anne Rice's novels.
Ok I better go to bed, nighty night.