There are things I just don't get

Mar 12, 2010 10:32

So. There are some ... things happening at work. Nothing that will affect my employment, or anything like that (I don't think - at least not negatively) but more on a personal level. People are passing the buck and throwing others under the bus and taking credit for things they don't actually do and talking shit about other people doing things that they themselves do in order to make themselves look good. You know, work stuff. I'm not really asking for advice, more just putting it out there that I don't GET it. And I'm kind of in the middle because I am friends with all of these people, and yes, some of the things that are happening are pissing me off. And I don't want to pick sides, but I'm kind of already on a side. Additionally, I've been forced on a side, because I'm one of the people being badmouthed.

The way I operate is: I can stand on my own merit. I fucking rock at my job. I am excellent at customer service. My clients like me because I am good at my job. My bosses like me because I am good at my job. My employees like me because I am GOOD at my job, and more importantly, I TRY for them. This is how I do my job. I don't need to make others look bad, because I look good already.

So one of the big things to come out of all the things that are happening is that Person A is really really two-faced about, well, everything. And I just do not get that. I'm pretty open. Anyone who's read this journal knows that. Yeah, I understand that there are some things you don't discuss at certain times or in certain places, I'm not stupid. But I'm very much What You See Is What You Get about life. This is me. Yes, I want people to like me, but if they don't, well, they don't and it's their loss because I am awesome. And if I don't like someone, which is pretty rare, honestly - well, no. I don't like a lot of people. But I can get along with most people. Anyway, if I don't like someone, I'm not going to be all buddy-buddy with them. I won't be unnecessarily flat-out rude, or anything, especially at work. It's my professional place of employment, and it's kind of important to treat it as such. But I keep my distance. And I try very hard not to talk shit about people. That's not to say I always succeed, but typically, if I say something about Person A to Person B, I'd be willing to say it to Person A's face. (I might not initiate the conversation, but I'd own up to it.) And, more than all that, if something doesn't affect me, I kind of just let it go. If it does affect me, I address it in the most appropriate, least confrontational way possible.

So when someone is my friend to my face and talks shit about me behind my back, I really don't know how to deal with it. I mean, I do - typically I stop talking to them about anything of import. That's common sense. And if they were saying something harmful, I would confront whoever needed confronting. But more on a processing level, I don't get that. Does not compute, you know? Because I don't function that way, I don't understand it. And I NEVER see it coming, because in that area, I AM naive. It's not something I look for. And I don't like that people make me weigh my words and pick and choose what I say to people I consider friends. If I can't say something to you, then we're not really friends, are we? If I have to filter myself, why would I spend my time with you? That's too freaking much work. I just don't get that, and I don't like it.

Why so hard, people?
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