Oct 13, 2008 17:59

The best show nobody's watching. Last Week's Greek - See You Next Time, Sisters

So Casey wants to turn her English Major into something useful and has landed on a party planning gig. What the hell, I turned my history major into a stunning career in a call center. And the Kappas are holding an estate sale ("and we're not even dead yet!") to pay for repairs to bring the house up to code.

Ash: "Where did dressing for comfort ever get anyone?" No kidding. That's probably the best piece of advice this show has ever given anyone. The Sciency types are planning thier big Galileo event, and the argument Max, Rusty and Dean have over What Would Galileo Do was highly amusing. Sororities still scare me. And then Frannie moves to have the bylaw that precludes her from being president again overturned! Casey is flabberghasted! I'm not sure why, becuse we all saw that coming, but we have an entire commercial break to ponder it.

Casey has two days to convince the majority to vote against Frannie's bylaw change. Rusty goes to Kappie about renting out the Kappa house for the honors engineering Galileo party. HI COREDLIA! Cordelia is not on Casey's side. Gayboi and Evan are at a bar and Evan decides it's a good idea to indulge in a little harmless flirting even though gayboi is gay and Evan has a boyfriend. Sure. Great idea. The next scene informs us that Max and Kappie do not share a sense of humor.

After the commercials, the Plain White Tees do nothing for me as they play the Galileo Party. Kappie is unimpressed to find that Max can even out engineer a party. Back at the ZBZ conference, Casey is campaigning like crazy. Unfortunately, so is Frannie. Evan and gayboi discuss the fact that college is the one time you can do whatever you want. And there's the plain White Tees. Again. Thankfully they are fed up with college party shenanigans - really? They're a band who can't handle a frat party? Ooooooooookay. - and Kappie is overwhelmed at the fact that academics? When they let go? THEY LET GO. Max awkwardly informs Kappie that he's dating Casey, and Kappie takes it less than well. Casey goes to Cordelia again in an effort to gain her vote, but Cordelia scoffs until, once again, Lizzie calls. Cordelia offers her a 'quid' for her 'quo' - get Lizzie to quit. Good luck, Casey.

Back at the Galileo bash, Born Again Dale and Kappie are chilling, drunkenly, discussing Max and making hilarious fun of Max. I never would have called it, but Born Again Dale and Kappie are great together. Casey finds Lizzie alone at a bar bemoaning all she does. She really does a lot. But Casey plays up the sororified sympathy (you know, where it's really catty insults thrown about in a totally unsympathetic way?) and Lizzie goes off in a huff. Good work, Casey, but I'm pretty sure this is going to blow up in your face. Rusty is looking for Dale, Dale is looking for his pants, and Kappie is totally jealous of Max. Cordelia thanks Casey, and Casey calls it a night, but runs into Paula. Paula tells a story that imparts a moral lesson - it was actually a lot less cheesey than it could have been, and that's why i like this show. "There are very few things worth being afraid of." That's great advice. This show, as silly and highschool perspective of college as it is, really gives good advice in a totally non-preachy, non-overbearing way. It's got drama, but it's not as soapy as 90210 or Gossip Girl - not that I don't LOVE those shows, because SO AWESOME. But it's nowhere near as ridicusad as Secret Life - which is probably the most detrimental show to over come on television. Greek is just a good, fun, solid, entertaining show.

Back at the Kappa house, the boys are waking up to the destruction wrought by repressed academics let loose. And Uh oh, gayboi wakes up in a bed that is clearly not Michael's. Casey knocks on Lizzie's door and she and Ash tackle things the sorori-way: with a makeover! A makeover of CONFIDENCE! Gayboi finds out Evan DIDN'T cheat on Frannie - big surprise - even though Gayboi totally took Evan's advice and DID. Casey and her really ugly shirt tell Frannie to bring it. The engineers come back to the Kappa house to fix it up in repayment, as well as Max's patented hangover cure. "It actually is patented." HA! WHF gets himself back into Kappie's good graces by asking for girl advice about "Miley Montana" a girl who acts one way during the day and another at night! In between laughing, I'm sad that I got that. Casey gets her networking on when Paula gives her her contact info and we learn she's a BFD in politics. Casey likes politics!
Greek - Formally Yours

We open with the Kappas eliminating Days of Our Lives from thier tivo and discussing their "prom" for spring formal season. Rusty gets chosen - out of a hat - as committee chair. Over at the ZBZ house, Ash is sorting through her amazing amount of formal dresses while Casey does something presidential and keeps asking about finalizations and confirmations. "I feel like i'm on the Apprentice - sorority Edition" Ha! Frannie is working with Evan to pimp out guys to the ZBZs as dates to the formal. Frannie's pretty sure this'll win her the elections because Evan is way hotter than Max. Again, I've never been in a sorority, so I've got no grasp on this way of thinking, but sure, why not?

Rusty's trying to make up for missing his own prom (due to a boy scout jamboree - oh, sweetie) by making this the awesomeest prom ever. After all, there's gotta be a reason all teen movies end at the prom. Rebecca is out running and has a moment of awkwardness with Kappie - why she didn't just smile and wave and keep right on running is beyond me. Oh, I see, because then they couldn't turn that awkwardness into having sex in the back of Kappies truck in the middle of the day. (Hello, I am a prude.) Casey quizes Max on the ZBZ sisters. Evan interrupts and Max kind of comes off like a dork, quoting stats on water bottle recycling. It's sad. Not endearing. But Max knows it and goes right back to endearing. Casey won't hate him if he doesn't go if he promises to make it up to her. I'm pretty sure that's a total lie. Casey will SO hate him if he doesn't go. He runs into Rusty and Dale and Rusty extolls the virtues of prom via teen movie and it sounds WAY more fun than my prom, but this is TV. Max has a moment of self-realization and rushes off to make plans for the most romantic night of the year. I smell backfire! Max shows up at the ZBZ house and announces his plans to Casey, all out of breath and adorable from running over there, and plants a big ol sloppy kiss on Casey right there in the front room.

Cut to what is clearly not the formal, as Rusty comes in with the disco ball. Kappie canceled the formal in favor of The First Annual INformal. Complete with bouncy-thing! At the ZBZ house, Rusty needs a car to return his tux, and Ash confirms he prom theories, then invites him to their formal. 2nd reality show reference by Ash! Casey and Kappie have a heart-to-heart, Ash attempts to find a set up for Rusty, but fails. Until Casey sets Ash up with Rusty! She's such a genius! Also we learn an invaluable lesson: boys have pockets and dates make purses unnecessary. Casey's dress is actually not all that hot and Ash's is not exactly formal, but I don't run the wardrobe depatment, what do I know? Also, Max and Rusty have brought a horse-drawn carriage as their transportation of choice and Casey looks less than enthused.

At the formal, Our entrepid quatro finally makes it after spooking the horse and walking 8 miles. Casey and Max make the rounds and Max does a great job not punching one of the girls in the face for the sheer joy of destrying something stupid. Rebecca and Kappie get it on again (and let a perfectly good tub of icecream go to waste!). Rebecca rationalizes them into "fun-buddies" (yay continuity!) territory. And then they go do it again. Over at the ZBZ formal, Evan and Rusty have a moment where Evan is a dick, but an honest one and Rusty is awesomely pathetic. (Oh, sweetie.)

Casey and Frannie get into a one-up contest again and Max gets his cufflink caught in Frannie's hair. (Oh, sweetie.) Casey sends Rusty off to babysit Max and tells Ash that Rusty tried to get a date to his own prom, but all the girls said no. Rusty tells Max that Casey and Evan dated for nearly two years, and max watches as Casey and Evan have a little ... I don't even know. Confessional? Except for how Evan is STILL a dick. And Casey finally realizes it. Kappie and Rebecca are working their way through the ZBZ house until they kill the mood by going into Casey's room. Ash gives Rusty a slow dance where Rusty lays out his expectations for prom and how much real life doesn't really work like teen movies. ( Did I mention how much i love this show? Because I SO, SO DO!) Then Casey finds Max and apologizes, saying she had to take care of something, and Max gives her her stuff back and takes off. WTH, Max?

Casey goes after him and he asks why Casey didn't tell him about Evan. Casey says she didn't want to make Max feel insecure, and Max turns it around on her. The carriage pulls up, so I guess they got the horses calmed down after Rusty spooked them. max asks Casey to tell him she wants to be with him, and she does. Evan yells at max not to forget his watch, and it's all covered in hair - ew- and Max asks Evan "how on earth did you ever let her go?' Awwww! They take off in the carriage, apparently without a thought as to how Rusty and Ash will get home. Though in the next scene they pull up in a cab, so I guess it's all good. Ash makes the obligatory Carrie reference and Ash gives Rusty a sweet kiss on the cheek. It really was friendly-sweet, not condesceding-sweet. Rebecca tells Kappie he's still hung up on Casey, and she's still hung up on him, and they've gotta stop having the sexytimes but Kappie wants to still be friends.
Last Week's Life - The Business of Miracles

We start with our intredpid detectives flashing their badges and entering a trashed science lab. There is a frozen scientist body and a bloody message on the glass wall behind Freezy McFreezerson, "Animal Testing is Murder!" Oh, so it's one of those episodes. All cop shows have them. Not all have a scientists that's been "frozen solid" though, so that's cool.

"Maybe it preserved him. Maybe they can bring him back. Maybe he can tell us what he saw!" Charlie's so excited. But Mr Brenford - like the name on the building, the company, and a small town in Oregon, is quick to put the fiction in that bit of sci-fi hope. Charlie metions having seen the commercials for the company: "The moth on the cottonball?" "It's a butterfly on a cloud." Then they shatter the scientist's body in what is the worst special effect I have seen on TV since the mid-80s. Wow. Glad I don't have to explain that one to the family.

Charlie and Dani interview the janitor who found the body. The janitor asks. "Is it true you uh, broke the doctor?" But Charlie deflects and continues interviewing. "All those pieces of the doctor. Do I have to clean that up?" Dani handles Mr Brenford. He's got a great delivery, so Dani is less impressed. Turns out Dr. Freezy had a sexual harrassment suit filed against him by his former assistant. Before she could be bought off, she "went away". Dr Auerbach's new assistant has a bit of hero worship going on, but she's not really a suspect nor is she really a groupie. This is another thing that annoys me with television: No one who works in a research lab would wear her long hair down while working. It's just unrealistic.

We cut to some schlubby guy arguing with a monkey. They can ealk on in because there's no lock on the door. Betsy doesn't like locks. Who's Betsy? Some girl walks in, smart cookie, even with all the nonsense she's spouting about souls - good work, show, and Charlie deduces "You're Betsy. "

Schlubby Guy is glad Dr. Auerbach is dead, but Betsy admonishes him, "Take that back he was a living soul you take that back right now." Besty denies sending death threats. Oh, and she's not wearing leather shoes, "They're Jimshoes." They're made from the dead body of the group's founder. That's the nastiest thing I've ever heard. Even so, I liked Betsy. She was adamant without being a bitch, and she pulled off the hard core belief without seflrighteousness. I liked her. Dani, not so much: "They're wearing people." Charlie asks if it's odd they put their slogan on the wall. Dani says, "They put dead people on their feet, putting slogans on the wall seems pretty normal in comparison."

Donal Logue is awesome and gives Charlie a fractured piece of paper from the doctor's pocket, and Charlie loses himself in putting it together while Awesome Donal Logue and Dani discuss whether people who work to gether end up "banging" (so classy, Donal!) and that people are usually killed by their co-banger. Based on the TV I watch (which is all of it) this seems to be pretty true. Oh and Charlie has finished the puzzle. It's a love-hate letter, signed by "D". Dr Auerbach's first assistant, the one that sued, was named Deborah Lee.

Later on after some more input on the overarching mystery, Charlie and Dani go to a protest run byt Betsy and Schlubby Guy and some other animal rights people. They're all wearing Jimshoes. Again let me say - ew. Charlie confronts Betsy and tells her Dani thinks she did it. Charlie thinks she was sad. He inquires about he motivations. Charlie: "What did you do, Betsy?" She walks away. He calls after her, "Deborah Lee?" and she stops. The love-hate mail and the hate-hate mail were both written by her, so it's not like it was a stretch or anything to find her.

Charlie and Dani go back tothe station to interogate Betsy, who is in fact Deborah Lee. She changed her name because she didn't like who she was. She's a better person now. She's admitted to the affair but stays mum on any murder. After she leaves, Charlie starts wondering aloud if you have sex with someone who changes her name... But Dani interjects, "It doesn't count as a threesie." Threesie? What is she, twelve? They split up and he goes to talk to the animal rights guy, and she goes to talk to the current research assistant. We do that editing thing where Dani and Charlie say the same thing and we get the reaction from each other person. Jill, the current assistant tells us the Doc was a genius, but also a jerk. Dr Auback was mean to the janitor, but he didn't kill him. Janitor pretty much put up with his crappy job because he needs a job. I feel you there, Janitor. Janitor isn't sad Doc is dead, but he did see something - a woman coming out of the building. They go check the security logs, and we get more of Mr Brenford being awesome. Betsy/Deborah Lee is caught on security tape coming out the building just after Dr Aurback was killed.

Betsy/Deborah and Billy (Schlubby Guy) are arguing about Betsy/Deborah's affair. Billy's upset, and goes so far to call Betsy/Deborah a whore. Billy had the hots for Betsy/Deborah but clearly that wasn't reciprocated. Betsy/Deborah says she had been there earlier for some afternoon delight, but she didn't kill him. Billy provides an alibi, and off we go. Dani is at family dinner. Charlie is at the lab, making funny with the rats. He knocks a bottle of something off the counter, gets a whiff of that something, and that's never good. He then takes the broken bottle with him to Betsy/Deborah's place. I'd thought that would provide us with some kind of a clue, but it really really doesn't.

Dani and quiets the house by asking, "Dad? Did you really send an inocent man to prison?" He orders her out. Charlie is a little doped up and keeps seeing things. Dani has a little breakdown in her car and then she slams her hair in the car door. I do that ALL THE TIME. Donal logue does not save me, though. Charlie is at Ted's meeting with the Dean of a business school, trying to get a job, and Charlie is kind of blowing everything for Ted. I don't know why he doesn't just let everyone know he was dosed, but that wouldn't make for interesting tv, I guess. Donal Logue endears himself to me EVEN MORE by being even more totally awesome and offering a sincere shoulder to Dani. "I know you think I'm a bit of a clown. But if you ever want to talk, I've been through some stuff." Aww!

Charlie wakes up on the couch to his cell phone ringing. Dani asks why the janitor put Betsy/Deborah at the building when her alibi checked out. Turns out Janitor was stealing. Charlie and Dani confront him at a drop. Turns out it's not money he's after, but pictures of his son. Janitor doesn't have custody, but the son has cancer. Dr Auerbach caught him stealing the pills for his son, and the janitor confesses, but to me it sounds like a pretty weak confession. There's ten minutes left of the show, too, so. Charlie brings up the dead rats, and Betsy/Deborah confirms that they'd kill the rats to cover up the fact that the drug isn't working. Oh, but it is. It's working for the son's extremely rare cancer. Betsy/Deborah says in order to make any money, the drug has to work on a much grander scale. This is all very complicated. Back to the janitor, he's clearly covering for someone but won't admit it until Dani and Charlie tell him they're going to shut down the lab and there will be no more pills. He demands to be taken back to the lab, where there's a baggie of shredded document. Jill comes in to the interogation room, and boy there's no love lost between her and Betsy/Deborah. Jill offers to take the document back to the lab. Oh, no, that won't be necessary, since they already reassembled it. It's a calculation for how much liquid nitrogen would kill Dr Auerbach. Jill's mad because she'd spent seven years working on a failed study. Sure, okay. Charlie (and Dani - she doesn't do it, but she's there) gives the janitor a whole bunch of the pills.
My Name is Earl - Sweet Johnny

Joy gets carjacked, only her hand gets caught in the door of the brat. She gets loose, but so does the carjacker. The stunt reminds Randy of Stuntman Sweet Johnny. Sweet Johnny is #7 on Earl's list. Past!Earl has a thing for Sweet Johnny's lady. Sweet Johnny, by the way, is David Arquette. Not that it matters, because this whole episode was terribly, terribly lame. There's a scene of Sweet Johnny's Lady and Earl going off to get it on and she's wearing both a halter top AND bra, which is hilarious if you've grown up where I did. Earl keeps setting SJ up for dangerous stunts to get time with his lady and her sweet caboose. Earl finally decides what he's doing is Not Okay.

Earl decides he needs to make all this up to Sweet Johnny while Randy is trying to pull his beer label off in one piece to prove he's not a virgin. Earl is surprised to find SJ at his house, because he hasn't heard anythign about him in a while, and they do the waz-uuuuuuuuuuuuup thing. I don't know why - it's not played for funny. SJ tells Earl about his newest stunt plan, and Earl confesses to sleeping with Sheila. SJ does not take the news well and goes after Earl with a staple gun. Joy, what with her car getting jacked, bought a gun. Darnell is not happy about it. Joy says it's her 1st amendment right. Earl lets SJ cool off for a night, and turns out SJ doesn't remember anything about yesterday. That's wierd, Earl decides, though he attempts to confess and make up anyway. It goes about as well as it did yesterday. Actually, it goes exactly the way it did yesterday. The NEXT day, Earl tries to feels like he's caught that french disease that makes things happen to you twice. Earl's mission is to find out waz-uuuuuup. (See what I did there?)

Earl finds Sheila to figure out what's wrong with SJ. Sheila who is now a meter maid with a giant ass. Not an attractive big ass, a GIANT. ASS. Earl asks Shelia why SJ is "forgetty". He's got the brain damage, though that's not Earl's fault. SJ can't make new memories and also is stuck singing La Vida Loca all the time, and Sheila had to leave him after that. At the Crabshack, Earl, Randy and Catalina are discussing how Earls' going to make it right in just one day. Catalina asks why he doesn't just skip him. Earl can't, because when he thinks of something, it'll nag at him until he sets it right. There's a gag with a pool cue that results in Joy , and everyone else in the crabshack, pulling their guns and Joy grazes her boobie. (Her words.) Earl attempts to tell SJ again, and SJ doesn't believe him. He goes to find Sheila, and her giant ass (no. Seriously. GIANT ASS) makes him realize Earl's not lying, it really has been ten years. Sure, why not. Johnny goes home and downs a bottle of "generic nightime sniffling sneezing coughing aching fever the best sleep you ever got with a cold medicine" - so he can make the day end.

Back with Joy and Darnell, Joy can't find her gun. The gun B-plot is about as lame as the A-plot and even Jaime pressley isn't helping. that's how you know it's bad. The next day, Earl tries AGAIN - remember when this episode was that one where Earl had to get the guy down the stairs? and couldn't get the donuts? WE ALREADY DID THIS EPISODE, EARL. If you are out of ideas, stop being lame. Just be out of ideas. I am not putting up with another season like last year, I have a lot of other things to do on Thursday nights.

SJ tells Earl, after the fast-forward confession and Earl's rousing rendition of La Vida Loca, that he can help by helping Sweet Johnny do his base jump stunt. We go through one more round of confession-anger-depression-acceptance, and then they're off to do the stunt. Earl's ready to cross him off, but Johnny uses the stunt as a suicide mission. Earl tries to stop him and Randy finally gets his label off in one piece. Joy gets Darnell to admit that in the case of a suicidal man floating away on a lawnchair tied to big balloons, it would be okay to have a gun. Darnell does and Joy whips another gun out, saying "This is America, Darnell. You didn't think I could get another one?" Joy shoots out the balloon, and Sweet Johnny and Earl crash back to Earth. SJ still has his problems, and Joy grazes her "stinker" in trying to put her gun away. Oh, show, that was awful. Earl realizes he was just trying to make himself feel better about the sleeping with Sweet Johnny's Lady thing. Earl can't mark him off, but that's okay since SJ can't remember, Earl shouldn't be able to forget.

NCIS - Capitol Offense

Ziva brings Abby a "Chocoholic's Choice" cupcake as a thank you for Abby letting her sleep at her place. TONY AND I WOULD LIKE DETAILS NOW YES PLEASE. Gibbs interrupts Tony's slack-jawed quest for details (damn you, Gibbs!) to tell us a naval officer has been found dead at Rock Creek Park.

Over at Rock Creek Park, Ducky tells us she was killed elsewhere, but can only pinpoint TOD within 12-24 hours ago. Thunder threatens, and Gibbs tells McGee to work fast. Gibbs gets yet another mystery phone call. (Remember than from last week?) He zooms off to teleconfrence mysteriously.

Turns out that Gibbs is off to a secret rendez-vous with a senator who greets him as "Gunny" so we know this is a dude from Gibbs' past. I'm assuming the phone call was from Senator AffairsALot, and therefore not connected to the call from last week, which makes me sad. (We never did get a resolution to who was on the phone last week, right? When they were in the Mexican Coroner's office and Tony and Ziva had their heart to heart about last season's happenings?) The Senator asks about the dead officer and Gibbs asks if he knew her. The Sentaor admits, "We were having an affair." Shocking. Gibbs looks disappointed and we B&W freeze on that. I know, I'm disappointed too, Gibbs. It's so rare for a government official to be involved in immoral fornication activities.

We come back in to Gibbs and the Senator continuing their talk. The Senator tells us some more about his relationship with Carrie, our dead naval officer. "I'm an idiot, Gunny!" He exclaims. He's sure that once the affair comes out, he'll be the prime suspect. To quote Gibbs, (although not right now) ya think? Apparently Carrie had a run-in with her CO after he "took exception" to a report she wrote. The Senator has an energy bill that will turn around the high costs. He begs Gibbs to keep his name out of the media until after the vote on the bill. Gibbs says he won' cover anythin up, but we all know how much Gibbs can get done unofficially.

At Carrie's apartment, Ziva is looking at mementos, McGee is using the black light, and Tony is snooping through her personal effects under the guise of building a profile. Ziva: "You just love snooping around" Tony: "Yeah, that's why I became a cop!"

Gibbs interviews her boss, who spends the whole time fiddling with his wedding ring. This does not escape Tony's notice. CO explains the report incident, claiming "she could be stubborn" but it was nothing, really.
McGee looks at cell phone records and sees 36 calls to the Capitol switchboard. Calling Senators would be part of Carrie's job, but she should have called them dirctly. Gibbs announces she didn't want her calls traced. The Director calls Gibbs away, and Tony refers to the director as El Jefe. Funny!

Director plays a voice mail for Gibbs detailing the location of the gun used to kill Carrie. It's in a drainage ditch and Tony and McGee go off to find it. Cut to McGee using a metal detector to try to locate it. Tony is trying to point out the location of a "shadowy thing", and they're both wearing suits while commenting on how foul and filthy the water is. No one is surprised when McGee goes in. I was surprised that Tony didn't. McGee's tumble leads him to the gun. Tony: "He found it with his butt." Abby analyzes the bullet and we B&W freeze on Gibbs announcing it was "handed to us on a silver platter".

McGee gets Director's VM password, Director tells him to go change, and then Director and Gibbs discuss the case. Gibbs tells the Driector that he's been on the case for less than a day, and the director will be the first to know when he gets concrete evidence. Down in Abby's lab, someone has STOLEN ABBY'S CUPCAKE. Gbbs thinks the murder is more important than determining who ate the cupcake, but Abby and I are both unsure as to the veracity of this theoyy. She goes so far as to accuse Gibbs, who may or may not have cupcake crumbs on his shirt.

Up in the office, Tony has decided the CO was having an affair with Carrie. McGee has discovered that the message announcing the location of the gun was left by a voice recording software. Ziva tells us that Otis Tripp was the RO of the gun. This doesn't sit well with Gibbs, as he storms off demanding "No one leaves here til I get back." Gibbs calls a meeting with Senator SleepsAround. Otis Tripp was his Father In Law. And he willed the gun to Senator Affairington. He tells us 'I did not kill that woman." Which anymore is the best phrasing to deny doing something with a woman other than your wife. All he needed was the finger pointing and to ask the definition of the word 'is'. Gibbs gets a call from the Director calling him back to the office where the Director plays another VM. The VM asks what's taking so long and if Gibbs is "covering up for an old friend". The Director wants answers, and Gibbs looks like he's about to walk out in that Gibbsian way he has, but instead brings Senator Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater in, and we B&W freeze of that.

The Senator tells Gibbs and the Director about his "fascination" with Carrie. He defends Gibbs and postulates that he, the Sentaor, is being framed. He's got lots of enemies, being a politician and all, but the only specific example he can come up with is a lobbyist from Big Oil named Reed Talbot. Even the director gets in on the Not Really A Cover Up act and says they won't divulge details of an ongoing case.

Abby gives the team some case-related info and then gets a DNA sample from everyone in her case to sove th mystery of the Kidnapped Confection. Gibbs hands out assignments and as he walks off, you can hear Abby in the background say, 'Need your DNA, Gibbs!' and it's kind of hilarious. At Senator Slutty's house, the Senator introduces us to Cole Ericson, his personal assistant. When Gibbs and DiNozzo tells Cole they're from NCIS, Cole gets kind of wide-eyed and squirrelly, but not overly so. Lynn, the senator's wife, comes in calling Gibbs by his full name, so of course she knows him, too. Senator tells Wife they have to talk, and Senator directs Cole to take Gibbs and DiNozzo to the gun cabinet.

Cut to Gibbs' basement. Lynn comes wandering down the stairs from the unlocked front door where he's working his boat. I want it on the record that I don't like Lynn. Sure, she's the Wronged Wife, but she's also clearly there to make revenge moves on Gibbs and she's eally unlikable while doing it. Plus it's SO OBVIOUS that Gibbs is just not that into her, and she's blindly refusing to see it. She's all "woe is me, but not too much!" Lynn: "If you can get through Shannon and Kelly's deaths I can get through this." That was both kind of cold - Shannon and Kelly are DEAD, your husband's just a manwhore, and also seemingly unnecessary but shoving it in there like that probably means it'll come up again later in the season. AGAIN. (Lame.) Gibbs asks if she knew about the affair. She tells the typical wife story, "you suspect but you don't want to believe." She accuses Cole of being in love with her husband, in a snotty bordering-on-homophobic way. It's become painfully obviously she's there to get back at Senator Phil Ander using Gibbs, but Gibbs, not being born yesterday, knows it and tels her to go home. She accepts defeat and defends he husband by reminding Gibbs that marines don't shoot people in the back.

Gibbs goes to Abby's lab where she's running fingerprints. She's got one that doesn't match anyone. AND she's thisclose to making a breakthrough in her cupcake case. Ziva goes 'undercover' as a fuel consumption bill defeater and presents a petition for Reed to sign. She gets his phone number and email as well as his fingerprints from the pen. ZIVA I LOVE YOUR SPY WAYS! Tony and Gibbs trace a PDA to the Watergate and bust in to find Cole. Only he's dead on the ground with a plastic bag on his head and a suicide note on the floor. We cut back to his blue, be-baggied face and B&W freeze on that. Thanks, NCIS.

Ziva goes off to get the ALS and Ducky attempts to give us cause and time of death, but Gibbs has figured that part out on his own. It's pretty obvious as Cole's GOT A PLASTIC BAG ON HIS HEAD and the suicide note was time stamped 10:02. Senator Fornicates admits Cole knew about the affair from the beginning and did not approve. He neither confirms nor denies that Cole was in love with him, so I guess that was just Mrs. Senator being a bitch. Ducky presents his report to the Director. Gibbs says it's too easy. The Director just wants it done, but Gibbs isn't ready to call it yet. In Abby's lab, Abby, Ziva, and Tony confront McGee about the cupcake case. Abby says she's got his fingerprints. McGee says he's not that stupid to leave fingerprints, but Abby says aha, she totally knows that because McGee used gloves. Gloves from a brand new box, just Abby and McGee's lonely little fingerprints on the box. McGee breaks because he's McGee, but he had Abby's best interests at heart! Also, it was SO GOOD.

Gibbs goes to the press conference Senator MCSleepsAround is holding and arrests him. Gibbs: "You placed those calls, Pat. When you were coming to meet me." Gibbs is rather perturbed at this, what with him not taking kindly to people betraying him. Senator Lying Liarson lies some more, and says he did it, when we all know it was The Jealous Wife. No one else knew Carrie was shot in the back. DUH. Husband and Wife stand together, in a stunning display of solidarity for cheaters and murderers. Gibbs arrests Senator and Director arrests Wifey. We see the arrest on the news report in Director's office later on and Gibbs and Director share a drink. Gibbs says "Trust. Loyalty. They're important." Director: "I guess you know all about that after today. How do you think we're going to do in that department?" and we B&W freeze on Gibb's unanswering face.
Last Week's Ugly Betty - Filing For the Enemy

We open on the outside of a courthouse, and sideswoosh immediately to some models in slutty lawyer outfits prancing around for a photoshoot fpr DAniel's new mag. Danie;'s going over the mockup for Mode, and has made notes. Betty takes them to Alexis, and Alexis takes them to Wilhelmina because they're really good. Wilhelmina: "It's hideous - like driving through Ohio." Wilhelmina offers the ssistant job to Betty

Betty's family is hoping Betty will take it. Hilda is overrelating to the situation, because her boyfriend is still married. Wilhelmina and Daniel run into each other in the elevator and Wilhelmina tells Daniel aboutt he meeting, and the DAniel accuses Betty of hiding. Betty's not happy at Payer Magazine, and Daniel tells her to go work for Wilhelmina, so she does.

DAile's son's grandparents have filed for custody on their end, and Daniel's lawyer recomends asking Daniel Jr what he wants before going into a drawn out battle. Betty accidentally drops a bit of genius about how poor people love upscale mags but can't afford anything in them, so the client is going to advertise their budget line. Go betty, exceot for how she totlly outshined Wilhelmina and that's usually a bad move.

Wilhelmiona punishes Betty by sending her on a wild goose chase for things for her launch party. Christina thinks her man is back on the smack. Betty of course gets the stuff from Wilhelmina's scavenger hunt, and Willy reards her by letting her do her Botox. Betty does not see this as nearly the reward that Willy and Marc do. Wilhelmina decrees that Betty will now be her protogee. Again, Betty is conflicted.


"I would rather eat butter!" Betty tries to onvince Marc that she didn't mean to and needs his help. "If I say yes will you take your shirt off?" betty discovers coach diaz's wife. betty tells Hilda, and Hilda rationalizes. Betty advises Hilda to walk away, but Hilda is on love and can't walk away from him. But she sure can storm out in a huff. Oh, Hilda.

Danile is an awesome dad, and drops Daniel jr off at school and then angsts over what he shoudl do. Betty is managing the launch party and Marc and Amanda are inhaling helium and not helping. "Loyalty is not on of Wilhelmina's strong suits. But I guess it's not one of yours either." As Betty is shreding mail for confetti, she finds a whole stack addressed to Daniel. Wilhelmina hid all the positive letters to the editor from DAniel's reign.

It's like Rush Limbaugh spawned with Amy Winehouse and they had you. Yep. Hubby's back of the smack. And then Betty resigns, goes back to Daniel, figures out Marc set her up to find the mail, and someone pushes Christina down the stairs.

We open with Betty in Wilhelmina's ofice, being interogated by the plice regarding Christina's fall from last episode. The police ask if Betty knows where Daniel was and we flash back to Betty in her new apartment. It's breakfast time, and Betty and her dad are talking on the phone. He's concerned over he living in the big city all by herself and she's all, "I grew up in the city!" But of course, she left her umbrella (ella ella - DAMN IT!) outside overnight and it's gone. But never fear - she doesn't need it anyway, which of course means it's going to rain. (This being Betty, though, I can foresee someone returning it a the end of the ep, much like they would if she were Fraser on Due South. We'll see.)

Cut to wet betty walking into the Meade offices looking like a drowned rat - i told you so! And Amanda cattily compliments her on the improvement. She greets the Daniels and Daniel jr abuses 5 year old american Slang. Betty's happy to be back at Mode as Daniel's personal assistant. She's assisting. Daniel was supposed to take Mama home, but left early and asks Betty to let any inquiring persons know they were packing up at Player. Though they totally weren't. Marc announces that Wilhelmina was at the hospital OH NO! But she was only there because Christina fell down the stairs. Never fear, though, baby and Wilhelmina are doing okay. Christina? He didn't ask.

Cut to Betty in Christina's hospital room. Christina doesn't remember what happened other than she was at the top of the stairs and someone pushed her. Ooh! the E! thing is back! I love that! E! guy announces the suspects. Wilhelmina holds a press conference and offers a $100 000 reward. Also, there's the distraction taking away from the poor sales figures. Wilhelmina and Marc discuss their press strategy. Amanda sees the detectives come in and immediately confesses in a hilarious bit of physical comedy. Betty rescues the detective and sets him up in the conference room and we flash back to teh begining. Betty does not in fact know where Daniel was. She hedges that he didn't ask her to lie, it was "more of a small untruth."

Betty and her dad and nephew are at dinner and Betty guilts over the fact that the detective circled AND undelined Daniel's name. Betty rushes out but runs into Hilda on the way. They discuss Hilda's affair and Hilda rationalizes some more, and then asks to borrow Betty's apartment, but Betty is having none of it. Hilda says they just need a place to talk it out and of course betty relents.

Back at the mode office, Amanda is still flirting with the detectives and Betty rushes to confess her transgressions to Daniel. The detectives come in and based on Daniel'ss custom made one of a kind Spencer Smith/Pete Wentz Style shoes, arrest him.

Daniel's family gets him out on $200 000 bail. Alexis thinks someone is framing Daniel. Daniel is concerned about how Jr will see him now - oh, I didn't even think about the custody battle! Uh oh! Back at Christina's hospital room, Wilhelmina and the press have a field day with Christina's situation. Betty asks Daniel about the alibi lie, and Daniel says the less he says about his whereabouts, the better. At Betty's apartment, Hilda and Coach are talking. Coach is feeling dirty - no really, because the water's out at school. Hilda goes to get some ice cream, and coach takes a shower. WHAT is Hilda wearing, here, really? When he pops out all nekkid, betty's dad pops over to change the locks. Coach comes out expecting Hilda, Hilda comes back in, Coach's wedding ring falls out of his pants pocket and Betty's dad is now in on their dirty little secret. He is less than pleased.

Betty tells christina about Daniel and that she's sure he didn't do it, and she has to prove his innocent! Betty asks for more details, and Christina comes clean about Stuart. Christina wonders if Stuart is the one who pushed her and Betty tells her she has to tell the police. As betty is leavng the hospital, who should be walking in but Stuart. Betty 'nonchalantly' intercepts him, and inquires about his shoe size. 14, so not size 11, so not Stuart. Stuart is sad that Betty suspects him, and Stuart tells Betty that the treatment didn't work and he's going to die. He can't tell her, but Betty says "after all she's done for you, she deserves to know."

Back at the house, Dad and Hilda have it out over Hilda's affair. In spanish, which makes it easy to morph into the Spanish soap pera the security guy is watching as Betty walks in and asks for the security tapes. But they're gone, and the security guy told the cops and amanda that he has no idea where they are. Amanda took them because she needs the money, since she maxed out fifteen credit cards. "I like nice things, okay?" Betty asks what Amanda remembers. Amanda's flashback was awesome. She tells the call center employee, "Okay, if I pay my bill, then I can't pay my rent. And If I can't pay my rent then where will you send my bill? So you see, this is actually all for you." Marc confesses, but not like Amanda and Betty think.

Marc was yelling at Wilhelmina - a Wilhelmina mannequin - what with Betty being promoted over him and all. Marc has dreams, too. Marc just wanted to go, and as he pushed Christina away from teh elevator, he saw her with Claire. Betty interviews Claire, who would not let Daniel take the fall for it if she had done it. We flash back to Claire and Wilhelmina's confrontation at the party. Clair needed a little something, and ended up having many drinks. Drunkenly, she confronts Christina and spills her drink all over her. Alexis intervines and we flash to Alexis, Betty, Amanda, and Marc. Alexis pulls rank before confession - wow she is very tall. Turns out, she had some facial hair/estrogen issues. Marc says it seems that Daniel really did do it, and that maybe wilhelmina can help them prove his nnocence. cut to Marc amanda and Betty tossing the Wilhelmannequin (SHOW!) down the stairs. It's way too skinny, though, and Marc and Amanda try to throw Betty down the stairs. they all end up tubling, though, which leaves them all covered in dust. Flash back to the opening when Daniel asked betty to have his really really dusty rain coat dry cleaned, and looks like Daniel did it after all, betty.

Over at the hospital, Christina tells Wihelmina about Stuart, and asks to be left alone. Betty guilts some more, as she's already dry cleaned the raincoat. Daniel tells her how much her support means, and Betty proves again that she's the worst liar ever. She grabs the security tape and rushes home, dropping some exposition - recap style - on her dad. "Is it really niave to want to belive in people?" Betty pops in the tape and it's Daniel and some chick getting it on in the copy room. She asks Daniel why he'd want to hide it. Turns out the girl was the custody lawyer, and Daniel knows that it would look like favoritism. He's not going to do anything to mess up his custody case - Um, Daniel? you were arrested for attempted MURDER. Betty is thrilled. As Daniel is leaving he asks Betty to return the coat to Alexis. Betty goes to alexis's office and says, 'Alexis? I know you did it."

Alexis denies knowing anything about it, but Betty brings up her feet. mens' size 11. Alexis asks Betty what she wants. Betty once again heaves the anvil of exposition - this show isn't usually this heavyhanded. The plot is NOT that complex, okay? We flash back on Alexis and Wilhelmina. Willie echos my previous statement - "So let me give you fair warning, my freakishly tall girlfriend," they will never be free of Wilhelmina. Alexis was so upset, then she broke a heel, borrowed Daniel's shoes, saw the facial hair, and then her mother comes n all drunk and passes out. alexis, seeing Wilhelmina rather than Christina, followed her out and "didn't think" she just pushed Christina. She didn't mean to frame Daniel, but she can't take it back, and asks what she should do.

There's a nice montage of Willie and Christina, Hilda and her dad, and Alexis confessing, and Daniel and his son. and then there's the moment I predicted with Betty's umbrella returned from "jesse" in 5A. As the police are getting ready to take Alexis, Alexis confesses that she accidentaly opened Daniel's mail. By the way, Daniel isn't Jr's father. SHE IS OMG!
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