I love this show like cake.

Mar 11, 2010 00:07

Someone on the writing staff really, really dug The Rundown. A lot. A lot a lot. Just sayin'.:)

I'm fascinated by the bits and pieces of shared backstory between Chance and Guerrero the show keeps feeding us. So now it's confirmed that they've known each other for at least ten years; we don't know for sure that they were friends already (although I have a hard time seeing Guerrero joining a band of revolutionaries without Chance's influence) but it seems very likely: Guerrero clearly saw Chance shortly after he returned from South America and knew him well enough by then to guess what would make Chance snap at people. I can't wait until we find out how these two met and how Chance won Guerrero's crazy awesome loyalty.

Other comments:

Of course Guerrero's answer to the plane problem would be to hijack another one.:) Poor Winston. It's hard to be the only Lawful member of the party.

And how wonderful was that "confession" scene on the plane? Guerrero was loving Winston running down that litany of his sins (I laughed out loud at "fire at the orphanage" and completely missed whatever that was about the nun. Oh, Guerrero.) Not that I think Guerrero actually intended to make any kind of confession --- that requires, y'know, shame --- but it was a brilliant way to distract Winston from panicking over their imminent firey doom. I get such a kick over Winston consistently being appalled by Guerrero's very existence.:) I wonder how many times he's asked Chance just why he's friends with that lunatic, only for Chance to smile and change the subject. (On a shallow note, JEH's eyes were very, very blue in that scene. It's distracting sometimes how pretty that man's eyes are.)

The actual A plot was just okay --- I liked the Girl of the Week much more than I thought I would but the villain was very meh, although the escape with the net was very cool --- but it was more than saved by all of the B plot bickering.


I haven't forgotten about the 5 Questions meme. I am just a loooooser. As penance, check this out:

writing's hard!, guerrero is a bad dude, i love this show, meme

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