And I was just coming back around.

Mar 05, 2010 01:00

Goddammit, DC. What the hell is wrong with you? For the first time in literally years I was enjoying multiple DC titles and now this.

And I was planning on picking up some Starman trades the next time I went to the comic shop. I don't believe James Robinson could write a title that good and now pull out something so cheap and tin-eared. I don't use the word "fridged" often --- I think tends to get thrown around too freely sometimes --- but if this isn't a perfect example I don't know what is.


ETA: You know what makes this extra pointless? They could have gotten the exact same effect without having to kill Lian. You want to use Ollie's granddaughter to create angst? Fine. Have Prometheus destroy Star City. Obliterate it so that Ollie and Dinah and everyone else believe that Lian's dead --- then reveal that Cheshire got wind of what was about to go down and secreted Lian away before the destruction. She woman is a supervillain and a well-connected one at that, don't tell she couldn't find out. That would literally create years of story; not only Roy and Ollie and Co. finding out she's alive, but what being raised by Cheshire will change a kid, what she'll be like when she comes back, hell, if she'll even want to come back.

And it's not like Cheshire wouldn't let the city burn. If they confront her on it, all she would do is shrug and say, "If you clearly couldn't protect our daughter why on earth would I help you protect your city?"

So much story, wasted! Gah, I'm so angry.

Sometimes I'm glad DC's forgotten about Lena Luthor. God help the girl when they remember.

do not want, comics

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