Someone had hearts in their eyes writing this episode

Feb 17, 2010 22:28

I don't know who the Watchman fanboy/girl who wrote tonight's episode is, but bless him/her for for giving JEH the line, "Have I ever told you how I feel about prison?" Every single person watching who's seen Watchmen immediately flashed to Rorschach looking at that deep fryer and wondered just what Guerrero was going to do if the Wookie Prisoner Trick went bad. And even if you want to dismiss that as coincidence, tech girl was named Nite Owl. I love it. I hope the writer didn't spend too much time bugging JEH for an autograph.:) (BTW, Smallville? If you're looking to cast Barbara Gordon, check this episode out.)

Winston is way too lawful for his own good; if Guerrero hadn't been so quick on his feet I don't know whether Winston had a plan to get out of there. And some nice character stuff at the end; I'd thought Guerrero was the newcomer to the circle, but now if seems like he's the one Chance has known longer.

And it looks like they're setting up a bit of a season arc, with Chance's old boss (they were careful to be gender neutral with the pronouns, I noticed) being mentioned. So of course Fox takes the show off for three weeks. *shakes fist*


I've been a little leery of how things have been moving in Secret Six --- Bane strong arming Scandal off of her own team made me all kinds of unhappy --- but the latest two issues reassured me that Gail Simone isn't leading me astray.:) How awesome was Scandal standing up to Amanda "OMGitstheWall" Waller? Completely awesome, that's how. She made it very clear that whatever Bane thinks is going on, she has this team well in hand. I love that girl.

The other thing I loved was Waller's guy stumbling on the aftermath of the Catman/Bronze Tiger fight and being aghast at Deadshot's blase reaction because he'd heard that Catman was supposed to be Floyd's "best friend." It made me imagine all the the DCU mercs getting together and gossiping about the epic bromance Deadshot and Catman have going on.:) Someone is writing in-universe RPS about them, is all I'm saying. Piper, maybe.

And I'm still not sure whether Black Alice and Banshee both being on the Six long-term is going to work. (Although Alice revealing that she's hot for Ragdoll won her some points. Oh, child. No.) The team is one over; it's the Secret Six, not the Secret Six+whoever else needs the paycheck.

guerrero is a bad dude, tv, geekery, i love this show, watchmen, comics

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