A Lockefest of Locksian delights.

Feb 17, 2010 16:05

It's been too long since we've had a good Lockisode.

1) First, do we all agree that the mysterious boy is some new incarnation of Jacob? The only way they could have cast someone who looked more like a young Mark Pellegrino is if they'd used a time machine to actually cast a young MP. (Unless the boy is meant to be Aaron, which raises a whole different set of questions.)

2) With that in mind, let's look at the religious allusions for the week: Jacob being burned to ashes (and that had to be one hell of a fire, BTW) is straight-up phoenix imagery, especially if the boy Jacob given new life. Then we have the scale (with presumably Jacob being the white rock and Smokey the black, and now how significant does it seem that the ship was called the Black Rock?). The scale fits in the the rest of the Egyptian mythology; Anubis weighs souls against a feather to determine their fate.

3) I keep trying and failing to slot Jacob and Not-Locke into Egyptian mythology, for the record. There's a surface similarity with Osiris, who is betrayed and murdered by his brother Set, but that's where that ends; Osiris is then dismembered, his limbs collected and put back together by Isis. Like I said above, right now Jacob is looking much more like a phoenix --- or, frankly, Aslan --- than Osiris. (Althought Ilana collecting the ashes could be a nod to Isis.)

4) I honestly think that's the first time Ben has ever expressed remorse for anything. I loved that funeral.

5) It's both strange and marvelous seeing Locke happy in the alternate timeline. The resentment and bitterness is still there, but the anger isn't; something with Cooper must have gone differently, although since he's still paralyzed I have no idea what. I wonder if it could just be as simple as Locke choosing differently when Helen made her ultimatum.

6) Oh, Hurley. You are the must unpretentious millionaire ever. I loved that he commiserated with Locke and got him that referral, especially since it meant we got to see Rose and hear her give Locke a much-needed verbal smackdown.:)

7) Ben! Geeky science teacher Ben! Fate wants those two together.:)

8) Seriously, something is going to push Locke to contact Jack again (since he called on his cell Locke still has the number, after all) and I'm betting that impetuous comes either from Ben or Helen. We know Helen died in the normal timeline and something bad happening to her would certainly get Locke to uproot his life; at the same time, alterna-Ben paying for regular-Ben's sins would be typical Lost karma. (I can't wait to find out alterna-Ben's history; that will give us a good hint at where the timeline divergence starts. And this is a Ben who was never shot and never lost his innocence in the Pool of Wonder; how big a shock will it be when alterna-Locke gets to the Island and meets our Ben?)

9) I find it fascinating that Kate's name wasn't on that wall. That's a big omission, and I don't think it means she's not involved. It not only makes her a wild card, but one that Not-Locke won't be considered. (And let's not forget that Jack's father's last name was Shephard, and he's definitely somewhere on the Island.)

lost, i love this show

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