
Sep 21, 2009 20:02

LJ has been blocked for the past week at work (although Journalfen seems to have slipped under the radar, so there's that at least) so I haven't been able to keep up with things as well as I'd like. I have some really gorgeous fic I just need to find the time to read.

(One would think this would increase my productivity. Hahahahahahaha. Ha. Sigh.)

So I'm a little bit blocked. I'm going to try to pound through it this week; part of the problem is that this fic is starting to turn out much longer than I'd anticipated (this was originally a maybe three page story. Maybe.) Now it has four discrete parts, although I like the rhythm it's developing, short-long-short-long, like a quick gasp followed by a long exhale. And it suits the story; I just didn't see it unfolding like that. And now I'm procrastinating working on it, because in my mind it's all Oh man, this is gonna take forever.:)


We've hit season 2 of B5, and it's hit me that my dream way of ending Supernatural is right from B5: in the last episode I want Dean (and Sam too, but Dean feels more like he should take the Sheridan role) to stand up, face both the angels and the demons and Lucifer himself and roar, "Get the hell off our world!" And they do*.

Then after the party winds down and Sam and Dean are sitting in the Impala, wondering what to do next, Bobby calls them up with rumors about a haunting the next town and off they drive into the sunset, killing things, saving people. The family business.

(*Cas can stay. He can wander the Earth like Cain in Kung Fu, learning what humanity's all about. Assuming he's still standing at the finale, of course.)

writing's hard!, supernatural

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