Okay, sometimes he also tries to run the world.

Sep 16, 2009 22:39

While discussing this week's comics, specifically the new Ultimate Iron Man book, Fiance pointed out that despite 40-odd years of continuity Iron Man really only has three plots:

1) Someone other than Tony Stark has Tony's tech, and he has to get it back. With violence.

2) Tony has alcohol.

3) Hey, it's the Mandarin!

Add in the occasional "Tony upgrades his armor" subplot, shake well and serve.

Not that this is a bad thing; the archetypal plots are what let a title run for years and years, each new creative team getting to put its own spin on the same three or four classic stories.

For instance, virtually all X-Men stories are one of these:

1) We must save the world from Dire Threat, even though the world fears and hates us! (Phalanx. The Brood. M'Kraan Crystal. Every time the Sentinels run amok.)

2) There are thousands of possible futures and every single one of them sucks. (A variation on this was the Age of Apocalypse, where the time travel was used to change the sucky present, only to replace it with an even worse one.)

3) Oh no! Our friend is now our enemy! (Everything from Magneto to Dark Phoenix to Apocalypse and Sinister's various shenanigans.)

And then of course there are heroes like Green Arrow:

1) "Fascists!" *shakes fist, fires arrow*

That is all.:)

geekery, comics

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