Remember the B5 mantra.

Sep 15, 2009 01:21

We're rewatching Babylon 5 from the beginning and we've just reached the first episode with Draal and the Machine. Draal's comment that he feels like it's time to "go to the sea" sparked a discussion about how the Minbari are essentially space elves, particularly LOTR elves: remote and spiritual and with still, deep emotions, a race capable of esteeming both art and war. Meanwhile the Narn are space Orcs, but more of the general Fantasy variety, warlike and quick to anger and cut throat even amongst themselves.

And the Centauri...the Centauri are dragons. Declawed, defanged dragons who used to rule but then went to sleep; when they woke their hoards had been raided and there were all these strange other races standing in their place.


In case anyone's forgotten, Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is god.

d&d, i love this show, b5

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