What with this bein' the holiday an' all...

Sep 19, 2008 17:27

Take this old sea-hand's advice: if ye be playin' a druid and need to be scroungin' materials to steal a soul back from Davy Jones' Locker, it be best if, after findin' that the Captain's had dealings in the rare materiels ye seek, ye not go to his quarters and ask if he "has the stuff." T'will only lead to the Captain regarding ye with a sly grin and answerin' "Aye, lass, there be all the 'stuff' here ye can handle." This be 'specially true when ye know already the Captain's favor rests on ye, an' he's answered questions about the quality of the day's breeze with, "Aye, 'tis a fair wind indeed that blew ye here today."

(Yes, the druid in my D&D campain actually did go up to a salty sea captain and ask him if he "had the stuff.":) To complete the picture, the druid is of a race that's basically half-plant; they look like elves with wood flesh and leafy hair. The captain was attracted to her in the first place because, like all good captains he loved his ship before all others, but here was a comely lass who looked like his ship. The druid didn't know how to react to that. Although since she was the first PC to manage to get lucky in-game I guess she figured it out. Not my character, BTW; I was down in the sewers trying to put down the Joker (or the next best thing) at the time.)



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