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Feb 02, 2014 14:55

AAAHHHHH MY deancas_xmas fic WAS WRITTEN BY takadainmate! *flails around* I should have known because the fic is perfect and she's a rockstar. If you haven't read any takadianmate's stuff you are seriously missing out - reading her fic is one of the reasons I ship Dean/Cas the way I do. Check out the masterlist.

Ones I EXTRA recommend:

Here Open The Gates

I Cleanse The Mirror


Someday I will write a story half as good as Contrapasso. Someday


January Talking Meme: shh, shh, it can always be January in our hearts, Day 18: Writer Meme (it's memeception!) stolen from morganoconner:

Put a number in the comments and I’ll answer accordingly. The mission for those of us who answer the questions, should we accept it, is to stay positive about our writing and ourselves, but to also be fair about our shortcomings.

1. Of the fic you’ve written, of which are you most proud?
2. Favorite tense
3. Favorite POV
4. What are some themes you love writing about?
5. What inspires you to write?
6. Thoughts on critique
7. Create a character on the spot... NOW!
8. Is there a character you love writing for the most? The least? Why?
9. A passage from a WIP
10. What are your strengths in writing?
11. What are your weaknesses in writing?
12. Anything else that you want to know... (otherwise known as Fill in the Blank)

recs, talking meme, i has a happy

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