Three Days Make A Post

Jan 10, 2014 20:04

So January 8th was the great David Bowie's birthday and I was all set to do a talking post about hit. THEN PLANS CHANGED.

January Talking Meme, Day 8: OH GOD MY CEILING.

It has been your-tauntaun-will-freeze-before-you-reach-the-first-marker cold most of this week and I woke up that morning with the cold water out and the toilet running (because the tank had been empty, probably because of mentioned cold water issue. That fixed itself but the seal on the level thingy came undone.) I called B., who the landlord has on retainer for such emergencies, and he said it sounded like the pipes probably froze and it should fix itself but he'd check it out.

FAST FORWARD. I get a call from my friend S., who was Lexi-sitting (Wednesday is my visit the parents day.) "So...hey. You busy?"

"Yeah, I'm driving, what?"

*nervous laugh* "You might want to pull over."

Uh oh.

Turned out S. had just gotten there (along with another friend) and found B. at work dealing with....well, better to show you.

Upstairs neighbor's pipe went kablooey. My the time I got there the water was mostly mopped up but the bedroom had to be gutted: bed, most of the dressers, gone gone gone. So much laundry, guys.

But everyone's fine, cat's fine, nothing really of value was lost (most of my furniture had been cheap/second hand/both.) Just gaaaaaaaah. (Although it did prompt me to get rid a lot of failed relationship detritus, which had been a long time coming.)

SO THAT HAPPENED. Here's the ceiling as of today:

Although on the bright side, now that the room's empty we might convert it into a badass gaming den and move the bedroom to the smaller room (which is mostly storage and comics right now.)

Ugh. Let's move on.

January Talking Meme, Day 9: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVID BOWIE. Just one day late! Bowie is my favorite living musician and I dearly hope he actually does show up on Hannibal. Let's see the Goblin King in action, shall we?

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(Love this version.)

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There are a lot of bands I'd like to see live - The Killers, Gaslight Anthem, Pink, Springsteen - but if Bowie ever tours again I'm there come hell or high water.


January Talking Meme, Day 10: Reading Bingo!

Hey, check this out:

Found this at and you all know I can't say no to bingo cards. I'm already reading a book with a one word title (Horns by Joe Hill) so I'm gonna start with that horizontal line, I think. And it should be a good way to keep track of my reading this year, which I'd wanted to do anyway. Join me! (There's also an alternate YA Reading Bingo, if that's how you prefer to roll.)

Whew. All caught up.

oh noes!, bingo is my name-o, talking meme

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