Later on we'll conspire

Jan 03, 2014 00:36

SNOWMEGGEDON IS UPON US! The governor pretty much shut down the state already and work's already been cancelled, so thanks for the snow day, nature!


New round of Trope Bingo, new card (even though I completely whiffed on the last one, shhhhhhh!):

mind games
fake relationship
au: historical
language and translation

au: apocalypse

mind control

presumed dead
unexpected friendship

trapped in a dream
forbidden fruit
locked in

poor communication skills
au: fusion
role reversal
secret twin / doppelganger

Yes, I actually got a wing!fic square.:) Oh, however will I fill that? And Presumed Dead! Why, none of my fandoms have that as a feature! (And by none, I mean three right off the top of my head. But I know exactly what I'm writing for that, an SPN fic I've been sitting on for ever and ever since I believe "died and got better" technically fits in there.) And angel!Clint's a fusion, so there's that square. Well, it's kind of a crossover and a fusion, since SPN characters do show up? But the conceit is that Clint has been an angel the whole time, so I think that slots it into fusion. I dunno. 'Tis confusing.


January Talking Meme, Day 2: akadougal: Travels - favorite place you've been or place you want to go!

I haven't had the opportunity to do a whole lot of traveling, alas. I've never been out of the US and only to a handful of states: New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, Massachusetts (I LOVE going to the Cape each summer), Texas (not counting the states I've just driven to on the way to those states.) So the easy answer to "place you want to go" is All The Places. I'd love to go to Hawaii, stand on a beach looking out at the Pacific, go to Costa Rica and pet the sloths (and do other things, but I'm being honest with myself here.:) Go to London and see 221B Baker Street and the Globe! My sister did a study abroad in Japan and I've always regretted not doing one myself.

If I had to choose just one place though, I'd go to Italy. The art and history and the chance to look up at the Sistene Chapel and visit Vatican City. My mother's side of the family is from Italy and I'd love the chance to go to Sicily and find where my great-grandmother lived before emigrating. (My grandfather's generation was the last one to come over; he was the youngest and born here but his oldest sister was born in Italy.) Ireland is a very close second.

bingo is my name-o, talking meme

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