2013 Writing meme!

Dec 29, 2013 21:13

It's that time of year again! Stolen shamelessly from morganoconner, all stats taken from AO3 because it has the easiest to use stat page.

This year I wrote and posted (in chronological order by posting date):

Blood to Blood, 1/21/2013
Balancing Acts, 1/27/2013
Thaw, 1/28/2013
Dance With Your Ghost, 3/14/2013
Terms of Service, 3/17/2013
Breathe Me, 6/22/2013
Fire In The Blood, 6/24/2013
The Spirit, The Water and The Blood, 7/17/2013
Rope Burn, 8/7/2013
Soothe My Soul, 8/19/2013
Like She Used To Be Happy In Another World, 9/8/2013
All That Is And Used To Be, 10/18/2013
Acceptable Vice, 10/22/2013

Overall Thoughts:

Some big dead zones in there. Writer's block was a cruel beast. And I wrote more explicit fic that I thought I had! (Go me!:) But did I really not write any Avengers fic? Must fix that.)

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?

Well, my goal last year was to post at least one fic a month, and while I didn't do that I did write thirteen. So half credit? My word count was way down from the year before, though.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?

Was Slade already on Arrow last January? Because my falling for Ollie/Slade was inevitable. Krissy/Claire had never really occurred to me until I saw the prompt but they fit together so well, sad, lonely daddy's girls against the apocalypse. Same with Jadeite/Nephrite (well, not the sad daddy's girl part!) - I'm a Kunzite/Zoisite OTP 4EVER kind of girl but there was a kind of doomed despair between Jadeite and Nephrite that I really liked. And the two of them having had a thing back before it all went wrong is headcanon forever for me now.

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?

I'm just happy that All That Is finally got written. I feel like I've been sitting on that story for decades. And I really liked how Acceptable Vice came out! That was a desperation idea to get that SBP prompt done but Terrible Life!Dean was a blast to write and sneaky, subversive Cas is always a favorite. And I really love Terms. That came out almost exactly the way it was in my head, for better or worse.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?

Writing a sequel to Exit Wounds scared the crap out of me but I think Spirit came out okay.

My best story of this year:

I'm awful at this. Terms of Service, probably. One of the long SPN ones, at any rate.

My most popular story of this year:

By hits, Terms of Service. By Kudos, All That Is And Used To Be

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:

I really love Thaw. I think it's sharp and mean and sad but it's also a tiny pairing in a very old fandom so, y'know. Can't be really surprised.:)

Most fun story to write:

Like I said, Acceptable Vice was a blast.

Story with the single sexiest moment:

Rope Burn. Slade tying Ollie to a chair and teasing him in the name of training. Right there.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:

Some people were...not amused by the end of Terms of Service.:) (It's a dark fairytale for a darkfic challenge, but!) I don't think anything else was too far out of my normal wheelhouse, though.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:

All That Is got me much more into Raphael's head than I had been before writing it. There's a lot of cold anger to Raphael, at least my version of him ("God is dead, Castiel") that's a very different kind of madness than the petulance we get from Michael and Lucifer and I liked being able to stoke that fire. (How successful I was obviously isn't up to me, though!)

Hardest story to write:

A lot of stories were like pulling teeth this year, but I had a much harder time starting writing than anything else. Once I'd forced myself into it the words usually managed to come.

Biggest Disappointment:

No Avengers fic! I also defauled on Yuletide, breaking my perfect challenge streak (although I did write a treat. I just didn't write as much as I would have liked in general. And I owe so many people birthday fic!/o\

Biggest Surprise:

How much fun the Terrible Life!verse is. Yuppie!Dean is hilarious.

Favorite Opening Line(s):

Dean Smith had one vice.

Favorite Closing Line(s):

"I've been waiting, Dean. Find me."

Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:

Cas and Dean climing the mountain in Spirit. Cas and Dean in the alley in Acceptable Vice. And I could never say no to Cas draped all over his piano from All That Is. (although I had an embarrassment of riches this year as far as art goes!)

Story I haven't yet written, but intend to:

Angel!Clint! My spn_reversebang and deancas_xmas fics will all be posted (fingers crossed!) by the end of January, so February is all angel!Clint, all the time.

Fic-writing goals for 2014:

Same as last year: write every day. At least one story a month. This year it will happen!


Plenty of spots still open for the January Talking Meme! Two days left! :BIG EYES:


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