Dear Yuletide Letter

Oct 07, 2013 00:59

Hello, Yuletide Writer! Thank you for signing up to write in one of my five very favorite fandoms. All of these are fandoms of my heart, so any story you write is likely to be loved. I ship the pairings here (and one OT3), but I love gen so don't feel like you have to ship them too. As long as the story focuses on the relationships between the characters I'll be happy, be it friendship, romance or some kind of nebulous in-between because the characters involved aren't sure themselves. Any rating is good, from G to Explicit. I'm not squicked by violence so go with it if that's where the story takes you.

Likes: Hurt/Comfort. I love characters taking care of each other, especially characters who have a hard time putting their feelings into words. Bedside vigils, treating wounds, keeping watch over someone sleeping and recovering, all things that will make me melt. Nothing's better than seeing how characters feel based on how they treat each other without any words needing to be said.

Rescues! Love characters panicking when someone they love is in danger and moving Heaven and Hell to keep them safe. Fighting against impossible odds, Us against the world, all of that good stuff.

Finding your place. I love lonely, isolated people finding each other, where they belong and who they want to belong there with, even if it's not easily understood by outsiders.

Sacrifices. Few things make my chest go tight like a one character making a hard choice or giving something up for the sake of a loved one without having to be asked, especially if the second character never knows. (Of course this can go too far - uncalled for or just stupid sacrifices don't have nearly the same effect.:)

Time Travel shenanigans. Characters crossing their own timelines, warnings from future selves, going back trying to undo past mistakes, huge sucker for all of that.

Dislikes: Non-con. It's not a trigger but not in these fandoms, please.

Death!fic. Happy endings for Christmas.


Star Wars: Thrawn Trilogy - Timothy Zahn

Requested Characters: Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn), Gilad Pellaeon (Thrawn)
Request: I'm all about fix-its for this fandom. Time travel, discovering alternate time lines, a clone scheme that works, all I want is Pellaeon getting a second chance to save Thrawn the way he couldn't on the bridge of the Chimera. But if fix-its aren't your thing I'd also love a missing scene kind of story: a skirmish that gets out of hand, having to go to a planet on a mission that's supposed to be routine and turns out to be very not, even just a moment of informality that gets the two of them closer, even a lower decks kind of story as the junior officers take stock of their Captain and the imposing Grand Admiral. Just have both of them alive at the end of the story!:)

I love Thrawn but I love Gilad Pellaeon. He's the perfect Watson to Thrawn's Holmes and his growing fascination with and admiration for Thrawn is one of the joys of the books for me. It's canon that he never really gets over what happens (still having nightmares ten years later!) and I don't think there's anything he wouldn't do to fix it, both to save Thrawn himself and to save what he thought was the Empire's last real chance. I also was always intrigued by the faint exoticism in the way Pellaeon saw Thrawn, the way his POV described his blue-black hair shimmering and the way the white of the uniform set off his skin and the glow of his eyes. The Empire was extremely xenophobic - Palpatine may have promoted Thrawn but he also made sure there being an alien Grand Admiral was a secret - and I'd like to see Pellaeon struggle with that. (And if the relationship is/becomes a romantic one, have him struggling with rank, too.) I've read the Duology, Survivor's Quest and Outbound Flight, so feel free to use any canon from those as well as from the trilogy itself.

Riyria Revelations - Michael J. Sullivan

Requested Characters: Hadrian Blackwater, Royce Melborn
Request: I'd love a story about one of their jobs pre-Revelations, preferably one that Does Not Go Well (and is probably Hadrian's fault in the first place. Royce is just waiting to say I told you so.) I'd like some real peril for the guys, captured by enemies, possibly one thinking the other is dead, all of that good stuff.:)

I love these guys and the D&D character sheets I am convinced they walked off from, love that they named their mercenary duo after the Elvish word for “Two” and how neither are really the hardass he pretends to be (although Royce makes a better show of it.) By the time of Revelations they're well established; I'd like to see them in the process of making their reputations and really getting into trouble without the years of experience to fall back on. I'm just really fond of the idea of the two of them protecting each other and being protective of each other - especially Hadrian, who makes a show of being the nice one. Would love to see him a little rawer and see that "niceness" pushed.

Human Target

Requested Characters: Christopher Chance, Guerrero
Request: I'd like to see a story that shows what happened in the gap between the flashbacks “Christopher Chance” and the start of the series, how Guerrero and Chance reconnected and Guerrero finding his place on the team. If this includes an explanation of Guerrero's issues with prison, so much the better.:) No preference on whether the story is actually set in that gap or if a current case brings all of that up, both are good!

I really prefer the first season vibe (and the first season office!) I did like Ames and her determination to be Guerrero's apprentice whether he like it or not - I'm perfectly good with her playing a part in a caper as long as the bulk of the emotional focus is on Chance and Guerrero. And Winston! I love Winston and his barely grudging acceptance of Guerrero in his life. If the fic involves something from Guerrero's past coming back to haunt him I'm all for Winston getting to play hero too.


Requested Characters: Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday
Request: Anything focusing on Doc and Wyatt would make me happy - an incident pre-movie where they're cut off and surrounded by enemies, or where one's hurt and the other has to keep him going until backup can get there, or the two of them meeting and the friendship forming from there (sticking to the historical record or not!) Or even a story set in modern times with the two of them reincarnated and finding each other again! Virgil and Morgan are also more than welcome to appear; I'd love a story about the four of them being a family and there for each other, even if they all don't always agree - say a story where Doc gets into trouble and Virgil steps in for the rescue, because just because he doesn't like what Doc does all the time doesn't mean anyone gets to touch him.

There can never be enough Tombstone fic. Doc and Wyatt are really where my heart is, although fic exploring Wyatt's relationship with his brothers in addition to his friendship/whatevership with Doc would be joy. I love Virgil especially and his prickly relationship with Doc - it's clear in the movie that Doc would be nowhere near on the list of people he'd associate with if not for Morgan and Wyatt.

Gundam 0083

Requested Characters: Anavel Gato, Kou Uraki, Nina Purpleton
Request: Kou and Nina find out that Gato didn't die at the end of Operation Stardust. However they find out is fine with me, whether Gato shows up at their door having escaped from Feddie custody, whether they get a tip that the Federation's had him all this time and they have to bust him out, etc, etc, as long as the decision to help him brings them under serious fire from the Earth Federation.

This is my favorite Gundam series and has so much of what I love about Gundam - the political maneuvering, the soldier's eye view, awesome support staff - distilled into a series without the distraction of newtypes or the Zabi's particularly flamboyant brand of villainy or Char's personal dramas (and I love Char, but it's good to have a break.) 0083 is about soldiers and lost causes and finding something to fight for and I love how the characters grow and change and reveal themselves over the course of the series. Gato is my favorite kind of loyal soldier, proud of his skills and utterly devoted to his cause. The Kou at the end isn't the same naïve kid who hops in a Gundam at the beginning and that progression is a joy to watch, even seeing how hard won that maturity is. I love the honored rival relationship that grows between him and Gato - their first fight has Gato giving him piloting advice! - and I love the relationships Nina has with both men, the doomed past passion with Gato and the tentative new romance with Kou.

This is a shameless plea for fix-it fic. All I want is Gato alive at the end of the war, finding something new to live for and fight for and preferably doing that with Kou and Nina, if not in an OT3 situation then in a found family one. (I would like Kou and Nina to stay together, either way.)


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