Off to never never land

Oct 01, 2013 01:37

My friend D.'s family owns some property out in rural Pennsylvania and once a year he heads out there to do some property maintenance (so much mowing!), be there to sign for the oil delivery for the winter, etc., so a bunch of us took advantage of the excuse for a weekend away and headed out with him. The weather was perfect all weekend and the countryside was just gorgeous - the leaves are just beginning to turn and I wish the camera on my phone was better so I could do it justice. I did take pictures of some of the caterpillars displaced by trying to weed wack the beast of a front yard, because I'm exactly that city girl who coos over fuzzy caterpillars. (Also, the internet tells me they were wooly bear caterpillars, which is adorable.) We played D&D (Orc civil war: just throw magic users at it!) and got absolutely flattened during a game of Sentinels of the Multiverse (a superhero themed card game.) Seriously. Just flattened. I got two cards out, promptly had them trashed by the villain and never got any other ones out the entire game.

I also somehow got roped into running a Supernatural RPG and while I'm not quite sure how that managed to happen but we did character creation so I'm committed now. I supposed I'll have to actually figure out the Cortex rules now. /o\

Anyway, there's no Wifi out there (I only had internet at all through the miracle of Verizon's network, and not much of it) so I didn't bring my computer (which means this weekened must be All The Final Editing on my DCBB.) I did bring my notebook, though, and even though it's been forever since I wrote fic out long hand the one I started out there actually started flowing pretty well. I outline longhand all time but I don't remember the last time I finished a fic that way, so I'm going to stick with this and see how it goes. (It's not going to be a long one at any rate - no way I'm ever writing out longfic by hand. Nuh uh.) Gotta admit, there's something really satisfying about seeing a page fill up with blue ink that's completely different from building a word count.


Yuletide update! Arrow is in, which I was pleased about since it's fairly borderline (it's over the AO3 limit but not the FF.Net one, so since there's no holiday exchange (this year, anyway) it's eligible. I'm betting that won't be the case next year, so I'm gonna enjoy it while I can. Don't think I'll request it but I'm definitely offering.

I'm trying to pin down my requests and offers, which is kind of hard since the tag set isn't official yet. The only one I'm sure I'm both offering and requesting is Thrawn. Maybe Human Target. I dunno. This year there's a max of six requests and ten offers, so that's a lot to play with. I'm trying to hold off on setting my picks mentally in stone until there's a complete and non-wonky tag set, because there's always at least once fandom I'd completely forgotten about.


Man, there's a lot of parentheticals in this post. Probably a sign it's time for sleep. Sleeeeeeeeep. Night all!

geekery, yuletide, rl

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