Thirty Days Of TV: Day Five + WiP Meme

Feb 16, 2013 17:43

I changed the sheets on the bed, took the old ones down the basement to the washing machine and by the time I got back up the stairs Lexi was stretched out on the bed all Ahhhhhhhhhh. T shirt material sheets from Target: Cat approved.

Day 05 - A show you hate

I don't hatewatch as a general rule but my God, did I hate the recent reboot of V. ( Read more... )

writing's hard!, tv, that show on after lost, meme, this is morgan's fault

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Comments 11

grasshopr_molly February 16 2013, 23:10:11 UTC
Hey, what happened to the sequel to Exit Wounds? Or are you using that for a challenge?

In any case, I'd adore #5, because Angel!Clint. Did I tell you about the intrusive little snippet of that universe that happened to me?

I should do a roundup myself, sigh.


misachan February 17 2013, 09:29:18 UTC
Yep! It's my spn_j2_bigbang. That's why I was brainstorming for sins to haunt Dean with in hell a few posts ago.:)

In any case, I'd adore #5, because Angel!Clint. Did I tell you about the intrusive little snippet of that universe that happened to me?No! Did you? Either way, tell me again. (And I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you meant the first #5, because apparently I wanted both fics for that verse to be #5. It's fixed now. /o ( ... )


grasshopr_molly February 17 2013, 15:47:51 UTC
Oh, cool. Mmmm, embodied guilt...

Yeah, it's actually during the movie:

Clint didn't realize the sceptre was actually dangerous until it touched him, and then it was too late. The thing was magic, not tech, and strong magic at that, and it insinuated tendrils into the part of him that still longed to obey, to serve.

He fled from it, but he was well aware that he couldn't run forever--and he didn't want to imagine the damage this mad god could do if he worked out what he'd taken. So Clint took his Grace, and his knowledge of what it was, what he was, and locked it away; Loki would have his more-than-mortal skills, but that couldn't be helped. And then he turned as if at bay and let the magic settle over him like a net, watching through blue-shaded eyes as Loki smiled.

Clint holstered his pistol.


misachan February 17 2013, 22:52:16 UTC
Yaaaaaaaaay! That's awesome.:)


morganoconner February 16 2013, 23:28:20 UTC
You should already know what one I'm going to ask for, but if not...


ETA: I got beat to 5! So...I think it's only fair I ask for 18, hmmm? *grabby hands*


misachan February 17 2013, 11:08:24 UTC


Cas was so lost in thought he never heard the Impala pull up; the blinding glare of the headlights in his face was the only warning he got before Dean jumped out of the car, hauled him up by his jacket and punched him right in the face, sending him sprawling into the crossroad. "What the hell did you do?"

Cas pushed himself up to his knees, ignoring how his eye was already starting to swell. "I did what you were planning to do. I had make sure I beat you to it." Before Dean could argue back - or hit him again, Dean looked really mad - Cas got back to his feet and right in his brother's face. "This is what those dreams were about. All these years, those dreams about you in hell, they were warning me about this." He heard his voice crack and clenched his jaw tight; he was not going to cry, he was way too old for that. "You always told me those were just dreams, that I would never have to worry about that. You promisedFor once in his life it looked like Dean didn't know what to say. "Fuck, Cas. I...." Dean gave up ( ... )


morganoconner February 17 2013, 14:14:28 UTC

This makes my heart hurt so good, and the affection between Dean and Cas, and BROTHERS, and kjsdfhgasdfhajkdhfsmhdgf I NEED THIS FIC IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW DAMN YOU. What do I have to bribe you with to get this fic written immediately? I WILL DO ANYTHING. ANYTHING.

Ugh between this and the snippet above of #5, you're gonna make me cry. ;______;


misachan February 17 2013, 23:06:48 UTC
Heeeeeee. Yeah, Cas doesn't take the truth of what he is well at all. :D


dustlines February 17 2013, 10:13:05 UTC
14) Untitled - SPN S4 AU, Dean/Cas/Anna - The angels take just long enough to Cas to have second thoughts in When The Levee Breaks and tell Anna to run - so of course they take him instead. Cue Dean and Anna storming Heaven to get him back.

ASKLFHLGH. Oh my goodness, yes. This please. Pleasepleaseplease. I enjoy "Cas is punished in Heaven and then Dean takes care of him" fics entirely too much.


misachan February 17 2013, 22:46:34 UTC


"What exactly do you think you're doing?

Dean blinked. He felt like he'd barely closed his eyes before finding himself...wherever this was, some kind of field by the looks of it. And man, did Cas ever look pissed off. "Hey to you too. Guess Anna was right about dreaming still working in Heaven after all ( ... )


dustlines February 18 2013, 02:15:48 UTC
YES, IT REALLY, REALLY IS. EEEEE! *bounces in chair* Frankly, there needs to be more of this theme in season gr8 fanfic, too. :D

This snippet is wonderful! Great voices, and I love Cas' denial about the seriousness of his own situation. So self-sacrificing! But what else is new? Someone needs to teach him to appreciate himself a little more.

I hope you write more soon! This snippet is worth continuing.


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