Thirty Days Of TV: Day Five + WiP Meme

Feb 16, 2013 17:43

I changed the sheets on the bed, took the old ones down the basement to the washing machine and by the time I got back up the stairs Lexi was stretched out on the bed all Ahhhhhhhhhh. T shirt material sheets from Target: Cat approved.

Day 05 - A show you hate

I don't hatewatch as a general rule but my God, did I hate the recent reboot of V. ( Read more... )

writing's hard!, tv, that show on after lost, meme, this is morgan's fault

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misachan February 17 2013, 22:46:34 UTC


"What exactly do you think you're doing?

Dean blinked. He felt like he'd barely closed his eyes before finding himself...wherever this was, some kind of field by the looks of it. And man, did Cas ever look pissed off. "Hey to you too. Guess Anna was right about dreaming still working in Heaven after all."

Castiel let out a little scoffing sound. "I should have known. Stop this."

"Dude, I wouldn't know how to do that if I wanted to. Tell us where you are so we can rescue you."

"I don't need rescuing."

"So you're not first in line for the waterboard express? Awesome, 'cause that's not what Anna made it sound like."

"Did she also find time to mention that if you go through with this plan you'll be forever barred from Heaven? I won't be party to that. You're being used.Go back"

And Dean knew Castiel actually thought that was a convincing argument. "Cas, you think for a second I'd want any part of being up here while you're being tortured for all eternity?"

"It...won't be for all eternity...."

"Close enough though, right?" Dean stepped up to him, searching his face. "They start up yet?"

"I don't want your help."



dustlines February 18 2013, 02:15:48 UTC
YES, IT REALLY, REALLY IS. EEEEE! *bounces in chair* Frankly, there needs to be more of this theme in season gr8 fanfic, too. :D

This snippet is wonderful! Great voices, and I love Cas' denial about the seriousness of his own situation. So self-sacrificing! But what else is new? Someone needs to teach him to appreciate himself a little more.

I hope you write more soon! This snippet is worth continuing.


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