Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt

Aug 16, 2007 23:40

There's an enormous centipede hanging out on the wall not five feet away. It's been there for almost an hour now. We are now locked in a many-legged standoff. As long as it stays over there, I will refrain from flailing around like a crazy person and running for the spray. I remain hopeful that it will accept my terms.

On a less terror-inducing topic, I realized the other day that I never got around to posting the drabbles I wrote for heroes100words here, and I like to keep my fic together. If you're a member of heroes100words, there's nothing new here.:) But hey, if you're not, yay! Bite-sized slash!

Title: Damaged People
Pairing: Peter/Claude
Word Count: 100
Challenge #8: Depeche Mode Songs

Oh, Peter knew he had gone too far this time. Claude's eyes flashed, and Peter braced himself for another punch.

Instead, Claude shoved him up against the wall; the kiss that followed was rough and hungry and God, Peter was hard. Claude shrugged off his stolen coat and started undoing Peter's jeans, his beard scratching as he broke off the kiss and started down Peter's neck. "Stop and you're the one going off the roof this time," Peter gasped.

Claude laughed. "Big talk," he whispered, his breath hot in Peter's ear. "Let's put that mouth to good use for once."

Title: Cleveland (Challenge #20, Peter/Claude)
Fortune Cookie challenge: Cookie Prompt: There is life after death: in Cleveland, people are still allowed to vote.
Words: 100

Claude makes it to Cleveland before stopping to catch his breath. It's cold, depressing, and as good a place to disappear again as any. He counts down the days and pricks up his ears for news of mushroom clouds in New York.

At night he dreams of Peter. Some nights he takes Peter right there on the roof; on others Peter practices his TK and gets him off without touching him.

Election Day passes. New York's still there. Peter kept control.

That night they find him.

As the taser knocks him out Claude realizes he'll never get to congratulate him.

Title: Motel
Challenge: Rare Pairings
Pairing: Mohinder/Bennet
Word Count: 100

In the past month they'd almost been killed no less than five times. Mohinder was getting tired of having men in suits point guns at his head.

Molly slept in the motel room's other bed, safe for one more night. Mohinder glanced at the man beside him. "Thank you. You saved my life." He sighed. "Again."

Bennet looked different without his glasses. Later Mohinder would blame his adrenaline-jangled nerves for why he leaned over and kissed him.

Then mortification set in. "I'm sorry, I..."

He felt Bennet's hand on his wrist. "Don't apologize."

They made sure to be very quiet.

Title: Job Well Done
Words: 100
Challenge: Professions

The yuppie yammered away into his cell at top volume for a full hour, and didn't even take the hint when Claude snapped the phone shut halfway through.

So Claude followed him home. While the guy was in the shower Claude went to work: first all the happy couple pictures got chucked in the closet, then he planted a scarf nicked earlier in the day on the bed. He finished up by filling the offending phone with 900 numbers, then as a final touch lifted the wedding band from the nightstand.

Hell of a show when the wife came home.

That's right, centipede. Stay right there.

agh! bugs, heroes fic, peter/claude, slash, fic, claude

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