Man, LJ, why do you have to ruin my happy place?

Aug 09, 2007 21:47

Okay, fine. Like most everyone else, I've started preparing for the possible LJ exodus. I'll be honest: I'll be thrilled if SA stops taking legal advice from crack-addled chimps so we can all get back to fun things, but just in case things go really, really bad I'm misachan at GreatestJournal, Insane Journal, and Journalfen (just covering my bases until it becomes clear where fandom's going to land).

I'm not going to stop posting to LJ until it's clear that it's a deserted wasteland, so I'm hoping that this is all going to blow over (I'll have to learn this semagic doohicky I've heard so much about), but I only got an LJ in the first place because kielle and darqstar and other comics writers I fangirled where posting there instead of the lists. Where fandom goes, I'll follow.

That said, every single word of this fic I'm working on is like pulling teeth without anesthesia. I will finish this damn thing by next week, even though by then I'll despise everything in it. Gah.

writing's hard!, stop being stupid lj

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