In which I remember why crossovers are hard.

Feb 24, 2012 20:37

sncross_bigbang progress:

Oh God, there are so many characters what am I doing? There's Dean and Cas and Sam and Neal and Peter and Jones and Diana and Elizabeth, all in this one chapter. Doing things! And I have to wrangle them! Most of my fics are two people in a room! *despairs*

(And I'm going to have add a scene (and a half, technically) to the first chapter, since I realized I'd forgotten to account for Diana and Jones in the original outline. *hands*)


In fic news that doesn't make me break out in a cold sweat (but only because I haven't started writing it yet), I haven't quite figured out the end for my deancasbigbang fic, (the Carpenter!Dean AU, and this is now the THIRD time I've changed what I was writing for DCBB), but I think I'm comfortably close now. I wasn't sure I liked the idea I'd come up with, but then I got a line that I had to stop and write down that second and I knew this was going the right way. Mwahaha!


There was something else. I hope it was interesting.

writing's hard, blind panic, my brain

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