Victory! It is mine!

Feb 22, 2012 21:52

And the super_disney fic is finished! Done! Crossed off the list! (well, not done, done, you all know what I mean.) End word count clocked in at just over 18K (Jesus). For a challenge with a 1500 word minimum. Because my brain.

But now I can move on to siccing hellhounds on the White Collar crew (mwahahaha!) and whittling that monster outline down. How many words will that one wind up? Who knows? Certainly not me, because God knows I can never tell. *throws up hands*


I posted my jimmybigbang story yesterday! *throws confetti* The bones of this story had been sitting on my hard drive for so long now that I thought it would wind up being one of those stories I always thought I'd like to write but never actually would, so it felt so good to get it out there. And people are saying nice things! Posting something long is always just that tiny extra level of nerve wracking because there's that gap between posting and the first comment, just long enough for it to start crawling around in your brain before you sit yourself down and remind yourself, "Oh right, people actually have to read it first." And then you feel silly.

I've perhaps said too much.:)

Anyway, that people like it makes me want to hug the world because I think Jimmy Novak is a superhero and I wanted to write something so everyone else could see that too. (I love his family in general. I've written three generations of Novaks now, since I had his dad show up in Semper Fi.)

(And if you don't want to read it, it's cool! But please at least tell lennymechs how pretty the art is, because I love it and I want the whole world to love it too.)

*hugs world*


I haven't seen too much of Once Upon a Time (I'm waiting until the season ends so I can see if the main arc holds together, although now that I know Robert Carlyle and his sexy accent is a major player I might have to adjust that plan) but I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard as I did when Rumpelstiltskin turned Gaston into the rose. I full-on cackled. (No one gets turned into a rose like Gaston!) I was already predisposed to like any Beauty and the Beast episode (and Claire from Lost was there! Hi, Claire! It's weird to see you as a brunette, but I suppose the show is pretty full of blondes) but the caviler way he did that just filled me with glee.


And now to the opposite of glee, re Walking Dead: DEAR LORI, PLEASE BE EATEN BY ZOMBIES. NO LOVE, ME.

I have tried with this woman. No more! I am done with her and her consistently terrible life choices. And it's not like I don't understand why she's being such a jerk to Shane, she feels guilty about hooking up with him and is dealing with that by casting Shane as the bad guy, even if she has to convince herself that Shane was lying about thinking Rick was dead even though that is patently insane. I get that.

But there's that and then there's her Lady MacBething around like she was last episode and I have had it. She was literally whispering into Rick's ear about how Shane needs to go. In what universe does turning Rick and Shane against each other make the party SAFER?

Take a step back and think about how much better the group would function if she just fell down a pit. Go. That's right. It's like a beautiful dream, isn't it?

And I'm not saying Rick or Shane are perfect by a long shot. I just really, really want Lori to fall down a pit. Can't I have that one perfect thing?

tv, flames on the side of my face, wishful thinking, i has a happy

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