Drive-by geekery

Dec 22, 2011 12:38

"Marry the Night" is like Gaga took every Bruce Springsteen song and made a dance remix. It may be my new favorite thing. Also, the only way it could be more a Dean song is if the car mentioned was an Impala instead of a Camaro.

In other music news, REM wrote Losing My Religion about S6 Cas through their powers of prophetic sorcery.


Can anyone tell me if Thranduil shows up in the Hobbit trailer? I've been trying to be strong and hold out until I can see it in all its proper theater glory, but if he's in it I'm going to have to cave. (I love Bilbo and the dwarves and all, but Mirkwood's what I'm really dying to see. Anyone who's seen the old cartoon understands why. And Thranduil's my favorite elf, anyway.)

lotr, supernatural, music

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