I'm just about down to wearing a barrel like in an old cartoon.

Dec 22, 2011 01:21

Oh dear God, I just spent All The Money and I still have to buy for my mother because she's continuing the annual tradition of refusing to ask for anything I can just buy on Amazon. (My sister and I will not buy anything for her without first asking in explicit, gory detail exactly what it is she wants, she's that notorious for returning gifts. One year she actually made me return her Christmas present, marching me right back to the counter at Macy's. Because it, and I quote, "cost too much." No, we will never let her forget it.) But at least that yearly horror's mostly done.


Speaking of horror! For everyone who's having problems with whatever-this-is LJ's doing, advancing's put up a workaround post here. LJ has a pattern of making ridiculous, sweeping changes that gradually get fixed over the next month or so, so let's hope this is more of that.

(Hilariously, my LJ is apparently so old timey that it's still exactly the same, subject lines and all. If it wasn't for all the outrage on my flist I never would have realized anything had been changed!)

ETA: Gotta admit, I kinda like that little thing that marks new comments. There's a big long thread on fanficrants where that's coming in handy.


Wonderful stranger, I don't know who you are, but thank you so much for this story. Everyone should read how wonderful it is. (it's 2014!Cas/2009!Dean and utterly perfect.)

woe, recs, stop being stupid lj, i has a happy, rl

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