Well, it's not public mockery!

Nov 17, 2011 20:27

I am full of hibachi. Mmmm, hibachi.


I guess I didn't mess things up too badly, because this was in my inbox after dinner:


Unfortunately, many of you thought it would be hilarious when you were registering to enter "imaginary" friends into the requested teammate field including "Misha Collins", "the Queen of England" and "Sherlock Holmes".

Congratulations on your little database implosion experiment. It worked. We had intended to use our automated team-formation program, but now we must manually sort the 6000 of you into teams of 10.

We are posting the Rules of The Hunt now. However, we aren't going to post the Items List until we have finished assigning you all to teams which should be very soon.

As soon as everyone has been assigned to a team, the items list will be posted and you can go hog-wild.

On other fronts:

1. Read the Rules and Regulations VERY CAREFULLY. This is your Bible for the next week and a half. You must follow all of the rules, so don't skim.
2. Be sure to check this page at least once every 24 hours during The Hunt, per the rules and regulations. It is your "update" page for all things important to the Hunt.
3. It is your responsibility to communicate with your teammates.
4. We suggest using phone, email, skype, and backpackit (they have a 30-day free trial) to manage your hunt.
5. If you have a problem with one or more of your teammates, that's life, work it out, don't complain to us.
6. Submit your items on our submit page per the Rules and Regulations.

Now i know some of you are chomping at the bit to get started, so without telling you exactly what the items are, i'm going to let you know a few of the ingredients that will be going into some of the items to give you a head start. You might want to start assembling some of the following: Socks, beer cozies, cotton candy, a comptometer, A Nobel Prize winner, sock monkey hats, an Eye of The Tiger LP, yoga students, mannequins, kale, mathematicians and most importantly, caffeinated beverages.

Drink the Kool-Aid, it's delicious.


I don't know what amuses me more, that enough people reverted back to being seventh graders passing around an attendance sheet to break the database or that no one seems to have seen that coming.:)

(6000 people!)


Is this a bad time to admit that I'm not very good at scavenger hunts?

misha collins is a ridiculous madman, gishwhes, oh fandom

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