This is my brain, and not even on drugs.

Nov 17, 2011 01:23

I signed up for GISHWES! At least, I think I did; I had to edit the email and resubmit it, and there's always the possibility I failed the essay portion of the exam. But nothing is being announced until the 18th from what I gather, so we'll see if I managed to do this right.

These two were my favorite of Misha's countdown tweets today:

@mishacollins: Registration closes in 4 hours. i'm afraid, very afraid. A sh*t load of people have signed up. it's going to be mayhem.

@mishacollins: Less than 3 hours to register. This was a bad idea. it'll take hundreds of hours to review submissions. I have a family.



It is killing me that dc_dystopia's time frame is exactly the same as jimmybigbang's (the rough drafts are literally due within days of each other) because it hit me that would be the perfect excuse to write the SPN/24 crossover I've been kicking around the past few months.

OR! Or my 2014!Cas-does-drugs-because-Lucifer-keeps-walking-through-his-dreams idea! That would also work! Why does everything cool have to go on at the same time?!?


So last night I had a dream where I was watching Human Target (God, I miss my show) where the case wound up taking a decidedly supernatural turn. The team all brainstormed what to when Guerrero walked in, heard the story, said, "I know a guy" and called up Bobby (because Guerrero and Bobby both know everyone.) Bobby sent in Sam and Dean with Cas along for the ride; when they all walked in Guerrero took one look at Cas and said, "Hey bro, been a while," just as cool as you please. Apparently Guerrero had pulled a Gabriel, only instead of an angel pretending to be a trickster he was an angel slumming it as a human assassin.

That was as far as I got before Lexi in all her grace knocked something over and woke me up, and I'm not sure how I feel about my brain coming up with that. On hand, the concept that Guerrero essentially fell for Chance the way Cas fell for Dean amuses me, and I like the image of the two of them sighing over their pain in the ass humans. On the other hand, one of the things I like most about Guerrero is that he has a kid, and I don't even know if vesseled angels can do that. I mean, Jesse Turner being conceived in a demon-possessed body made him the antichrist.

Although the idea that Guerrero's son might be the Second Coming is hilarious.


Back to writing. I will have this deancas_xmas fic done and in beta shape tonight if it kills me.

omgdeadlines, woe, writing's hard!, guerrero is a bad dude, dreams, misha collins is a ridiculous madman, argh!

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