Dear Journal,
I'm bored, I can access LJ on the class computer now, and I forgot ToshiBob (my laptop) in my room. I had a few entries written out on Bob but neglected to lug him with me today so, yeah... I'm probably just going to mass post later.
I'm going out for pizza with four friends today, followed by a trip to the library. Is this what geeks do in their spare time? Travel to libraries after pizza? If so, I can see why so many people are nerding it up lately; I've been looking forward to it all day. I ordered a bunch of Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery movies on Justin's card because mine has late fees from 2004. The librarian was nice enough to offer to override my fees so I could order but I didn't feel like going through an entire complicated process just for some movies.
Ah, speaking of which: I've find that I have a serious case of ADD lately. I can barely concentrate while watching movies and have zero concentration when reading books. Even slash/yaoi isn't enough to hold my attention! I wonder what this means? I know I'm not losing interest so what's the dealio?? If any of you that read my posts have any insight/cure to sudden onset ADD, please bestow upon me your wisdom! lol No, seriously. Some advice would be awesome.
In other parts of the world, I sincerely apologize to those of you that were forced to deal with my emo e-mails and comments a few weeks ago. I'm not usually that depressing so forgive my transgressions? Life tends to take its toll on me and in return, it shows in my interactions with other people. I'm really sorry.
Changing the subject, I've ordered a copy of this movie called "Ten Inch Hero". *insert shameless advertising*
It's really hard to explain, mainly because I haven't seen it yet (lol) but I'm thinking it's worth sharing with those of you that read my journal. It's an underground film with this really wholesome feeling to it... hard to explain so I'll just include the trailer.
Click to view
If any of you are interested in the movie, they put up a website that you can order the movie at. I wish they would mass produce it so it would be easier to find but alas, it's only available there. *sighs in frustration* Why is it the movies I like are never readily available? Does anyone else have that problem?
And on that note, I'm off to do absolutely nothing until 5:30. Do you suppose I should dress up for this nerdy outting? lol
Catch ya on the flip side,