Title: Persistence
Author: yumi_michiyo
Rating: K+
Genre: General/Angst
Universe: Anime canon
Word Count: 300
Summary: Moonlit conversation, denial and persistence.
A/N: Set in episode 78, somewhere between slaying the bear demon and the Inu-tachi's departure from the castle.
“... Good evening, houshi-sama.”
The young lord's face was composed; cold. “You are injured, you should be resting.”
“Thank you for your concern, my lord.” The monk's tone was blandly polite; Kuranosuke chose to ignore it.
“Houshi-sama... What do you feel for Sango?”
“... She is a valued companion, trusty comrade-in-arms... and friend,” answered Miroku.
“Nothing more? I know of few who would readily throw themselves in harm's way for a mere comrade.”
“I greatly admire and respect her strength.” The monk fingered his prayer beads. “She has suffered much tragedy in a short time... I do what I can to ease the burden she stubbornly insists on shouldering alone.”
“I see,” said Kuranosuke softly. “But Sango is quite the stubborn woman, is she not?”
Miroku smiled.
“Sango is very important to me too. Unfortunately, her affections lie elsewhere.” The young lord sighed. “Can you give her everything she deserves, houshi-sama?”
He did not miss the way Miroku's eyes flashed at the sudden implication. “Takeda-sama?”
“I am not the one she has feelings for. However, I do not ever intend to give up on her. We... are rivals, so to speak.”
“I do not understand your meaning, Takeda-sama.” Miroku stood and bowed. “It is late; I should rest.”
“Wait. Before you go, I have a request to make of you.”
“My lord?”
“... Protect Sango for me. Ensure she completes her journey safely.” And she might return to me, he added silently.
The faint light cast by the crescent moon cast Miroku's face in shadow. “You place too much faith in me, my lord. Sango is only a traveling companion to me.”
And Kuranosuke knew he was lying.