Title: Looking Back
Author: Griddlebone (
Genre: Canon-ish
Word Count: 250
Summary: Early canon. Kagome isn't sure about leaving Sango and Miroku alone.
"Are you sure we should be leaving them alone?" Kagome murmured, glancing over her shoulder to where their companions were walking together, some distance behind.
Inuyasha didn't respond. It was a dumb question. But it was also one Kagome had been asking a lot lately, ever since Sango joined their little jewel-hunting group. He made a noncommittal sound. Good enough, he hoped.
Unfortunately, it only encouraged her.
"I mean, it's not Sango I'm worried about. Well, it is, but..."
"You think the monk's going to try something."
"Don't you?"
Wondering why they were having this conversation, he pointed out, "He can try. Don't think Sango'll let him get away with much, though."
"I guess so. It's just, she's been so injured since she joined us, I thought he might try to take advantage of her."
"Nah, wouldn't be like him to do something quite that sleazy."
Kagome was silent for a moment, thinking.
The quietude was punctuated by Sango's outraged snarl and the telltale thud as the Taijiya used her fist to put the monk (painfully) back in his place.
"There. See?" Inuyasha quipped. "She survived one of Naraku's schemes. She won't have a problem dealing with someone like Miroku."
Kagome giggled. Inuyasha flattened his ears against his head, but at least she was laughing with him, not at him.
"I was silly to worry, wasn't I? Sango and Miroku are going to get along just fine."