Trap Prompt

Dec 16, 2011 11:18

Title Mantrap
Author landofthekwt
Prompt Trap(Miroku/Sango)
Rating K
Word Count 250
Warning none
Summary Words of Wisdom from Mushin

Miroku blushed and stuttered. “Master Mushin, tell me about girls.”

Mushin sighed. He knew that this talk had been coming for some time. The little boy his father had left with him had reached puberty over the last summer. Before Miroku’s father died, he made him promise to talk to him about girls.

His father and grandfather found women to bear their children before they died. Mushin knew that the children were a blessing and a curse. They all bore the Kazanna which would eventually kill them. Yet passing along the curse was the only way of breaking the curse.

Before he died, Miroku must find in a woman willing to bear his child. . Mushin knew from experience that many women would be willing to do so. The real question was how to select that special woman.

“Girls are mantraps. They  trap men into servitude to the flesh. These demons will suck you in and steal your essence. When they are done, all that will be left of you is your child.”

Miroku pondered this wisdom “ Master Mushin, how will I know which woman should bear my child?”

Mushin puffed on his pipe “ You ask them to bear your child  of course”

Years later when his son asked him the same question, Miorku realized that Mushin was right. Girls were mantraps,. Yet he did not regret being trapped by Sango. Somehow by merely asking the right question, he had found the right woman to bear his children.

#71 - trap, length - drabble, author: landofthekwt

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