Jan 22, 2011 22:20

What species is your character?

Would other characters be able to sense your character's species?
Well, they would sense that she's mostly an ordinary human, so. 8(

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?
Probably not in her blood or DNA itself...

What does your character's soul look like?
Relatively normal! Except, maybe, her eye color would be different in reference to her clairvoyance.

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul?
Probably that she's been through a lot and has a considerable amount of emotional baggage for someone who seems so ordinary.

What color is your character's soul?
UM, UM... Pink!?

Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?
I-If they can sense psychic powers, then yes!

Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?
Not really. :( Again, she appears to be pretty ordinary.

Can your characters thoughts be read?
Sure, but please ask for my permission first, and don't go reading implicitly into things please!

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?
Sure, but if it's anything that seems important, please ask!

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?
Why not! But don't abuse this, please. :(

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions?
Well, Bekku's pretty readable, so I doubt they'd need to "sense" anything at all.

Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?
Not really!

Can your character be mind-controlled?
Sure, but again, ask for permission oh god!

How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?
Hmm, it depends, case-by-case basis I'd say! Ask first?

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?
Nothing in particular!

How do you feel about threadjacking?
Threadjack away!

What about spamming your posts?
Spam away!

How about sudden action threads?
Sure thang!

Can your character be imprisoned?
Um... not without valid reason...!?

Is it okay to approach you about hacking private threads? Alternatively, how technologically gifted is your character?
Yes! Bekku's probably only as gifted as the average person, so.

Has your character died before? Can other characters pick up on this?

Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances?
Well, sure, but there would have to be a LOT of discussion and very proper circumstances! I'm not too keen on this idea at the moment, though!


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