Jan 20, 2011 18:35


Name: Anna
Are you over 16?: Yep! 19 years old!
Personal LJ: theatrically
Email: starspeckled(at)gmail(dot)com
Timezone: US Eastern Time
Other contact: star crinkles (AIM), annalogies (Plurk)
Characters already in the game: None!
How did you find us?: Through lassos, mostly..........


Character name: Bekku Nanaki
Fandom: Ann Cassandra
Timeline: End of the series, but before the epilogue
Age: It's never explicitly said, but in the first chapter it's said that Banjou is a year older, and the epilogue takes place two years later on Banjou's twentieth birthday, which means he was eighteen pre-epilogue and Bekku was seventeen.

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:
Bekku is a clairvoyant who occasionally sees predictions of disasters when she looks into reflective surfaces. The timeframe is inconsistent and varies from a week prior to the incident to the day of its occurrence. Whenever she saw these predictions, her eyes darken and she is able to observe the incident almost as though she was there herself. Apart from that, she also seems to have photographic memory judging from her ability to recall minute details from her predictions.

How would they use their abilities?:
Well, if she still had her abilities, she would use them for the greater good! In canon, she and Banjou would break their predictions and thus prevent any calamitous incidents from happening.

Color-wise, it's really inconsistent throughout the manga! Sob. But I'll be going by how she looks on the Volume 2 cover, with Bekku depicted as having blonde, shoulder-length hair, fair skin and grayish/purple eyes (even though her eyes are green on the spine why). She is always wearing a black hairband that may be upgraded to a lacy black hairband for special occasions! The headband is also adorned by an X-shaped clip with a small star dangling from it. She seems to be of average height, or is possibly slightly taller than average judging from her long legs. She also has a curvier build than most Japanese schoolgirls... Her (summer) uniform consists of a white button-up shirt, a bow that is worn slightly to the side, and a gray pleated miniskirt. When going casual, Bekku prefers stylish dresses layered with tops or jackets.

Bekku is a newcomer to the hustle an bustle of Tokyo, supposedly attracted by its size and promises of a stylish life, yet there's obviously more to her showing up towards the end of the season than that. After getting caught up in a mess involving a falling billboard with an elusive fish vendor who later turns out to be her new classmate Banjou Kizaki, Bekku's life takes a turn for the more exciting and dramatic! It turns out, the reason behind her oddly-timed transfer is because she was running away from her old school, where she was bullied and ostracized, which Banjou points out as a personal flaw because it means that she gave up and ran without putting up a fight. It seems that the two wouldn't get along at all when Banjou's attitude is generally optimistic, with his motto being "Never give up," while Bekku's is wholly pessimistic and fatalist to boot. But despite his infamy as someone who always gets caught up in unfortunate events, which makes him suspicious, his perseverance moves Bekku into action when he sets out to rescue a little girl who'd been taken hostage according to a notebook that he tells her holds his predictions of future calamities. When she had reprimanded him for being so unnecessarily reckless, he chastises her for being the type of person who will stand around and say things like "You can't change the future," because it was the same as letting the little girl.

It turns out that Bekku is also a clairvoyant, but unlike Banjou who's harnessed his powers to use as a means to prevent people's deaths, Bekku has pushed her ability away, hating them for the trauma she suffered as a child from being verbally abused and chastised as a liar and monster. Yet despite her fatalistic attitude, she very clearly has a regard for people's lives, judging by her annoyance that Banjou continually refers to his prediction breaking as a "game" and her ultimate change of heart when she realizes after they successfully rescue the girl that he's actually right about never giving up. Banjou reveals that he wants to break all of the predictions in his book in an attempt to break the prediction he had that he would die on his 20th birthday.

Despite her change of heart, however, her priority still lies with having a normal, happy school life, so she keeps gives Banjou the cold shoulder as he relentlessly implores her to work with him to break predictions until she's finally worn down and instead challenges him to see which one of them will break the following prediction that involves a housewife getting run over in a hit-and-run incident. Come the fated day, however, Banjou's experience and preparation allow him to narrowly save the housewife while Bekku finds herself coincidentally at the right place at the right time but only when she's almost too late to do anything. Bekku doesn't accept Banjou's offer until the two team up to prevent a catastrophic fire in Shinjuku, during which she admits to him that she wants to change her outlook, that she wants to make up for all the years she's spent watching on as her calamitous predictions come true without her trying to intervene. Her fatalist attitude had stemmed from her traumatic childhood, which was already horrible to start with considering all the verbal abuse she got for being a clairvoyant. To top it all off, the only person who showed her any kindness died in front of her eyes without Bekku being able to intervene and break the prediction she saw. Her guilt withstanding, Banjou assures her that she doesn't need to force herself to be reckless to help break predictions--her desire to help is enough.

After they succeed in preventing the Shinjuku fire, they become an official team, with Bekku doing all the prediction analysis and Banjou doing the grunt work of kicking ass. In fact, they come to spend so much time together that the school brands them as a couple, much to Bekku's chagrin. They come to realize on one of their 20th broken prediction, however, that changing the future can have adverse effects. Banjou realizes that even if the eventual outcome is less calamitous, there are still externalities that exist in the form of other people getting injured and perhaps being forced to give up on their dreams, a thought which haunts Banjou enough to make him want to give up on breaking the prediction of his death. Bekku, however, thinks it's irresponsible of him to suddenly stray from his beliefs especially after he uprooted hers. The conflict comes to a head when their next prediction doesn't directly result in any deaths, but does cause widespread confusion. The casualty would be a clock tower that an acquaintance of Bekku and Banjou's referred to as his "proof of existence." However, that acquaintance overheard their argument and urges them to go ahead and bring it down if it would prevent any confusion. He snaps Banjou out of his funk by telling him to never stray from the path that he believes in, and basically reiterated what Banjou had said to Bekku in the past about intervening versus standing idly by. As he put it, not intervening when you know you could would be even worse than a clueless man passing by. Banjou indeed snaps out of it, and he and Bekku proceed to break the prediction, after which he decides that there will be no more injuries from their prediction breaking.

And so their shenanigans continue, until a challenger appears by the name of Makita. As opposed to Bekku and Banjou, Makita is a Prediction Enforcer. He believes that breaking predictions is a sin against nature, but really he just gets off on watching people die. He first appears to them after intentionally tripping them up during one of their missions by setting up a fake bomb so that he can come up and incapacitate them, thereby preventing them from finding the real bomb. However, he underestimates Banjou's perseverance. Banjou makes Bekku use his eyes as a reflective surface, which allows her to see where the real bomb is. They manage to find it, after which Banjou races to the rooftop so that it can detonate mid-air. Makita figures that Bekku is Banjou's number one weakness, so he later kidnaps her and holds her hostage in exchange for Banjou's compliance with the next prediction and his prediction notebook. It seems he didn't know that Bekku is also a clairvoyant, if he believes that he can stop them by getting rid of Banjou's notebook. Banjou, however, insists that he'll break the prediction and save Bekku.

At this point, it's apparent that the two really care for each other. During their bomb-finding escapade, Banjou insisted on Bekku moving to somewhere safe while he deals with the bomb, and promised to take her on a real date when he comes back. And now, Bekku desperately pleads for him to break the prediction and not to hand over the notebook so that he can break the one about his death, and is devastated as she watches Makita destroy Banjou's notebook. But even as she's begging for him to save himself and leave her in the burning abandoned warehouse, he implores her to remember that he promised no one would get hurt anymore and that it's still too early to give up. It turns out that he had tricked Makita into thinking that he won, when really Banjou was putting up an act. He had fooled Makita into thinking that the time for the incident had already passed and even feigned shock and defeat when Makita supposedly discovered Banjou's preparations for breaking the prediction. So that was the last they saw of that nutjob. Bekku, however, is still distraught over the loss of Banjou's notebook when he reveals, right before going unconscious, that that was the last of his predictions apart from his own death.

So she watches over him as he unconsciously recovers in some phony doctor's office. The doctor jokes that maybe kissing him will bring him back, which Bekku somehow believes but of course he wakes up right when she's about to land the kisser. She leaves him, telling him to to rest well and not to worry, and it turns out that she's still seeing predictions. She saves a small girl named Chiasa from a swerving truck, a feat which Banjou witnesses and praises her for. Chiasa then remarks on how she knows the both of them are clairvoyants, which of course prompts some discussion. It turns out that Chiasa is on a quest to find a cursed mask, called the "Cassandra mask," which has been the source of all the incidents that Bekku and Banjou have seen all along. It's an evil mask that entices its host into surrendering his or her soul by promising a wish, often one that is fueled by hate or vengeance. Chiasa owns the mask that will seal away the Cassandra mask when the two are brought together, but as a consequence the Cassandra mask has been using its power to target the calamities around Chiasa in attempts to destroy the seal mask. Banjou decides, against Bekku's desperate pleas, that he's willing to bet everything on the possibility that he can eliminate the source of the prophecies (including the one that says he'll die at twenty years old), so he volunteers to take on Chiasa's task. Bekku, who had thought that Banjou would finally get to rest from all his reckless activities, confesses that she's scared because every time he gets hurt she feels his death is slowly being confirmed, but realizes that nothing she says can change his mind because after all, no matter how messed up he gets, he can't actually die until he's twenty.

So the three set out to find the mask, but when Bekku and Banjou stop to rest and ensure that they're ready for the battle, Chiasa runs off by herself, thinking that it's better to seal the mask away while it's not trying to kill them all for once. Bekku sees a prediction of Chiasa passed out in an apartment that then explodes, so she and Banjou set out to stop it. However, it turns out to be a trap set up by the Cassandra mask and its host, and while no civilians get hurt thanks to Bekku's evacuating everyone, Banjou still gets caught up in the explosion. Bekku and Chiasa, unable to make it in time, suddenly find themselves in front of the Cassandra mask's host's corpse, and the mask, seeking a new host, successfully hypnotizes Bekku into becoming the new host. Banjou, who of course survives the blast, learns from Chiasa that Bekku had been taken by the mask and was now missing.

Meanwhile, the mask is getting under Bekku's skin by subconsciously subjecting her to all the verbal abuse she had gone through as a child, only ten times worse now with actual, physical abuse and armed weapons. The mask even uses Bekku's guilt over her best friend's death to break her. Given that the mask's origin roots back to the mythical figure of Cassandra, who foresaw the destruction of Troy yet faced the doubts of those around her, Bekku's identification with that experience made her an ideal host, thus making the mask even more powerful. However, Bekku had not completely succumbed to the mask's will, and her subconscious calling out for Banjou causes all of the incidents caused by the mask to be similar to or exactly the same as the predictions she and Banjou have broken in the past, and Banjou is quick to see what she did there. When they finally find Bekku atop the tallest building in the city (referring to the clock tower they knocked down), Banjou pins her down so he can put the seal mask on her, but the extra power Bekku gave the mask allow her to essentially snap his arm in half and gain the upper hand in combat. However, Banjou refuses to give up even as masked Bekku is strangling him, saying that unlike Cassandra, Bekku didn't blame her past inability to intervene on other people. And she eventually owned up to her mistakes and changed for the better. These words, and Banjou's repeated pleas for her to come back, finally reach Bekku, and she comes back to her senses short of killing Banjou. She lets go of him and breaks down into tears as Banjou tells Chiasa to seal the mask away, which is done successfully.

Two years later, Bekku and Chiasa are preparing for Banjou's twentieth birthday, upon which Bekku remarks that today, his new life would start. THE END!

Bekku used to be a total fatalist, not believing that the future could be changed at all. She hated her clairvoyance for all that it put her through during her childhood when she just wanted to be normal. It even reached a point where she hated looking into mirrors.

Ever since meeting Banjou, Bekku's abandoned her fatalist outlook on the future and embraced the "Never give up!" attitude. However, compared to Banjou, she's still more down-to-earth and realistic, which balances out his recklessness. Another thing that Banjou made her was more independent and courageous. She hated that for the most part, she could only look on as Banjou busted his ass breaking predictions. So when she wasn't breaking predictions with him, she was studying up on things that would make their missions easier (like picking locks, for example) and getting into shape so she could keep up with him. And while she hesitated to speak up to save a housewife's life at the start, by the end she had no problem cracking fire alarms and faking a fire in order to get people to evacuate a building. Bekku is also devoted and loyal to those she really cares about, which was only really seen through how much she cared for Banjou's future and well-being in the series, but probably would be the same for anyone else that she cares for as well. She's also extremely concerned with the frailty of human lives, which comes from her having predicted and at times witnessed so many deaths in her life, so she has no problem pushing a stranger out of harm's way or screaming at anyone who acts like people are expendable. Apart from that, however, she's also extremely girly and concerned with things like appearing normal or having a good image. She's the kind of girl who will dress nice even when it might not make sense to. She's also a bit of a tsundere when it comes to romance.

Have you read up on how the game works?: The Guide plug-in for communication is called FlamingFerret, and characters can earn money on the ship by completing missions, doing freelance jobs, or living off of other people's money by way of mooching or stealing.

1st person sample:
Ahh, what should I do? I can't believe I actually broke Banjou's arm! Well really, it was the mask, but still... Technically it was my hand that broke his arm, so...

Crap, it's already this time!? I need to pack up and bring these notes to Banjou... If he falls any farther behind than he already has, he's going to be a first-year forever! I should stop by the takoyaki stand and get him some, shouldn't I? Oh, and I should let Chiasa know that I'm coming--wait, come to think of it, she doesn't go to school, does she? Don't tell me she's been at his bedside all day long... Wait, does she--to Banjou--!?

...Ahaha, no way, that's impossible! She can't like him like that, can she? Can anyone? Though, there was that one time...

Argh, what's gotten into me!? Having these delusions... it's like Banjou's rubbed off on me!

3rd person sample:
Bekku hadn't had a day to herself strictly for relaxation in more than a year. Ever since she met Banjou, it was prediction this, prediction that, and even on their "days off" the question of whether or not she would be seeing the next prediction that would always linger in the back of her head. So now, with the Cassandra mask sealed away and Banjou in the hospital (however badly she felt for being responsible for that), she finally had a moment to herself.

So she thought she'd spend it doing the girliest things possible, to make up for the year and a few months she spent running around breaking predictions with Banjou. She had already spent the morning doing her nails, however frustrating that endeavor was, and now she was going to go out to celebrate their recent triumphs with some retail therapy.

"Ah, there's a sale today at that store..." she said airily, holding the advertisement flyer close to her. The sudden jolt that shook her was her signal to snap out of her reverie, upon realizing that the train had stopped and she had to get off. She felt light on her feet as she practically pranced (or, as close to prancing as you could get in the crowded Tokyo subway) through the station and into the streets on the way to Never21. But damn, there seemed to be a ruckus up ahead, just outside the store's entrance. Just my luck, Bekku thought as she sighed. She noticed that the bystanders were all looking upwards, so she did the same.

Wait a minute, she thought, this kind of scenario... doesn't it feel really familiar!?

As soon as she saw a familiar jacket flapping about in the wind as an equally familiar figure stood atop a tall street lamp, with loosened bandages from the figure's evident injuries being tossed about dramatically to further highlight the ridiculousness of this spectacle--and speaking of spectacle, were those... pink glasses she could see?

Bekku immediately turned around and walked away.

"What happened to my day off...?"

Yes, actually! Going by how I've interpreted the logic of the series... Now that the mask has been sealed away, Bekku shouldn't be able to see any predictions, because the predictions were all fabrications caused by the mask in the first place. But at the same time, I feel like having her have her ability would be a lot more interesting to play out, so... I am wondering if I should stick to what might make more sense canonly or if I should have her keep her ability! I am open to either, so if you guys could put in your two-cents, that would be awesome!

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes!


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