
Sep 29, 2014 19:00

Six years ago, at my first year at That School (
), my Da had to be rushed to the hospital because the gallstones he'd had for years had actually been silent heart attacks, and his heart was working at only five percent capacity.

This year (almost to the day), my first year at This School (
), my Da is once again rushed to the hospital, and is again in ICU, because now he has a combination of pneumonia and congestive heart failure.

We're going to go nuts now.

EDIT I: Came home Friday night! Yay!

EDIT II: Back to ER Sunday night. Blood in the stools, light-headed, breathing got funny again.

Back to angst. :(


Still in the Hospital. The week has been up and down a zillion times. In short, he was bleeding internally, likely from an ulcer which has since been cauterized. He had FOUR transfusions before the problem was fixed. He's on all kinds of meds that either make him nauseous, knock him out, or swell his hands.

We've also learned the hard way that Da's veins are very, very well hidden. They have to poke him over and over and OVER to draw the blood necessary to run tests. His hands look like this.

But, after upping his meds AGAIN, his heart rate is going down. Instead of being between 120-140 at rest, it's now from 90-110. Tues they transfer him to the hospital at the capitol to give him an angio-gram, and an angio-plasty if necessary. In theory, if the world doesn't blow up a third time, he comes home after that.

We hope.


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