Employment (sort of...?)!

Aug 21, 2014 18:50

Wednesday was a job interview; the first in over three years. Huzzah!

Got the email this morning; they want me for the job. Huzzah!

It's an "anticipated" position; the money hasn't been released yet. ...Huzzah?

The position is classified as "anticipated." It's "anticipated" enough that the classes have been organized and filled with students. Come next Wed, there will be a position whether it is "anticipated" or not. The sticking point is that the higher ups have not "released" the money to pay for the position. They anticipate that they will, but it just haven't happened yet. So now I'm in a mad dash to fill in SUBSTITUTE forms, to file that quickly enough that I can take up the position AS a substitute until the position is "released."

Thing is, I don't know how long the processing will take, meaning I have NO IDEA when I actually start teaching class, let alone whether I do it as a sub or as a fully-paid teacher. Moreover, will I get backpay? Who knows?

But still, I (kind of) have a full time job now. Huzzah!

... Right?

rants, teaching

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