dancing in the dark

Jan 23, 2010 18:48

Almost half way through with my epic quinn picspam and I must admit I have a new respect for people who make them all the time. It's not that they aren't fun, because well ... they are, but they are just so much work. But then I have given myself a full 13 episodes when most will only be doing one scene/episode ... hmm. Maybe in April you will just get weekly Quinn picspams, unless someone else comes in and it all beautiful and distracts me, which I don't see happening at the moment.

But anyways yes, I get the feeling this shall be the beginning of a very beautiful friendship between me and the world of picspams. I already want to make one of my favourite TV couples and jazz ... hopefully it should be fun. But the question is, would you guys want to see them if I did or would you get bored of seeing them pop up all the time?

In other news, I watched Purple Rain for the first time the other day. You know the Prince film. It was so funny and much better than I thought it was going to be. His 'acting' was so intense. Oh! And the mother f'cking Time were in it!! Now I am not a massive fan of them, only having heard (and loved) one song, but it I just kept thinking about Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and they even did the same dance and everything. It was amazing. And for anyone who has not heard them, see these awesome end credits from the film:

image Click to view

Plus check out that cast list man! If you haven't seen that film and like Kevin Smith sort of humour you NEED to see it already. I just cry with laughter the whole film and you know ELIZA DUSHKU IN LEATHER. And then see Dogma if you haven't seen that either because it's equally as amazing, but a smarter film over all.

Anyways, enough from me. OH EE OH EE OH!


(p.s. because I love them SO much,  if you've never listened to Fleetwood Mac ... GO NOW AND FIND SOME!)

music: fleetwood mac, films: jay and silent bob strike back, music: time, actress: dianna agron, tv: glee, actress: eliza dushku, lj: picspam, films: purple rain, music: prince

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