
May 18, 2005 19:29

I have before me a choice.
One of my options has countless reasons.
The other only one.

That one is emotional freedom.

Is that a good enough reason?

Unfortunately I have decided that it is not. My father has given me the choice of moving out or drastically changing, something he openly says he dosen't believe that I can but secretly wishes. After all my father thrives on making people miserable and I am his main target. With out me my sister will be his target, and I can't do that to her.

Unfortunately I am too nice of a person.

Of course there is one who would argue with that. Well actually there are a few but the one I'm thinking of claims that there is no such thing as being too nice. At least not in my case.

I long to be sleeping in his arms again. With any luck I will be in that postion soon, but never soon enough.

I wish Wiccans were allowed to mess with time. I wish many things of my religion. I would probably consider changing religions if my own moral beliefs didn't match those of what I all ready am.

I guess I should consider changing in more ways than one.

Great, more choices.

Unfortunately I am horribly indecisive.

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