This weekend...

Aug 16, 2009 22:14

May have been one of the most painful moments of my life.  I let Salah convince me that we should go and see his parents.  I haven't seen them very often since we've been dating.  My family is over often.  Then again they do a lot for us.  Help with house issues, etc.  They are however always nice and polite and leave when it's appropriate.

Well we got over there and I told Salah I wasn't comfortable staying in their house so we got a motel.  We got there late but his dad was home, his mom was volunteering at flute quest.  So we visited with his dad.  I enjoy talking to Salah's dad.  He's arabic and still has a fairly heavy accent.  It's funny to listen to him talk.  He's a very intelligent man, he just got offered a teaching position back in pennsylvania at carlisle.

We chattted for 3 hours or so and then his mom gets done.  We went to dinner and it just got terrible.  Salah's mom calls me Sara a lot that's Salah's ex girlfriends name.  I just usually let it go but she's never made the mistake the other way (calling Sara Cara).  Well Sara lives in Las Vegas evidently so she starts complaining about how terrible this girl was then exclaims loudly in the restaurant "I wonder if Cara's still working a pole!"

Also apparently all Koreans are dirty.  She also thinks asian is a language.  She wouldn't stop talking about how Salah had taken Asian in school, he was the smartest in his class, blah blah blah because of her.  As we were leaving somehow she got on the subject of homosexuality and according to her I guess it's worse to be gay than dead.  The whole time Salah's dad is looking at the table uncomfortably.  None of us knew what to say it was like she was carrying on this terrible conversation herself.

Salah's dad had mentioned earlier that they wished we'd stayed with them but told us it was about what made us comfortable.  Well Salah's mom was insulted we wouldn't stay with them kept harping on it.  Salah caved in sort of but I just couldn't have slept there.  We went inside and it just got worse.  We'd given Mahar his graduation present.  I found him a silver pocket watch and had it engraved.  We talked about it for a few minutes, he's one of the next up to be promoted to General now that he's graduated.

All of a sudden Salah's mom turns to me and asks "So are there a lot of wetbacks over there?"  I didn't know how to answer so I stood there looking at her.  Salah said "Mom that's racist."

She said it wasn't it was just descriptive.  Salah's dad said "No that's racist."  She then told me she thought since I was a small town girl I'd never leave.  I explained to her that I had lived in Spokane for 4 years and only moved back to be close to my family.  Apparently I'm not smart enough to.  Us small town girls are stuck where we're born.  She also thinks I could be a nurse if I'm lucky but I should stop going to school while I'm ahead.  Salah should take care of me.

I told them we really needed to go back to the hotel because my stuff was there.  I really did need my medications.  Anyway as we were trying to leave she stood in the garage doorway and randomly called after me that Salah breastfed to an abnormally older age...

All in all it could have gone better.  I'm 99.9% sure that that woman would try to kill me in my sleep if she could.

One of the last 3 weekends of my summer vacation and I spent it doing this.
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