
Jul 26, 2009 04:55

I can't believe I forgot to mention my latest life related news.  Some really great stuff that seemed to get lost due to some really bad stuff.  Our house got robbed.  I'm incredibly sick of living in this neighborhood.  The cops actually found the stolen goods 4 blocks from our house.  It was completely trashed but I guess we got it back so that's what matters.  I get to spend most of tomorrow probably trying to scrub spray paint off of our stripped kayaks.  It could have been a lot worse there have been a few home invasions in the area so having someone rob our property and not break into the house where we were sleeping was really lucky.

Somehow the day before that in what I believe was a separate event my license and debt card disappeared.  I had to get my license renewed on my birthday so I had the new one for less than a month.

This kind of put most of my life on hold.  I told the hospital I needed the rest of the month off.  I am taking a short hiatus from volunteering.  Too much going on and a lot of emotional crap.  I have a hard time being alone in the house after dark.  Salah leaves a lot to visit his parents on weekends so the chance to be murdered in my sleep seems to be substantially larger the longer we live here.

The bright spot to all of this is that we did find a house and had bid on it a few weeks ago and we just found out it got accepted.  We have about a month while we wait for the loan to go through.  Unfortunately because we wouldn't sign a lease for another year our landlords threatened to evict us because I guess the new policy they've decided to have is no renters without leases.  They decided to let us stay but increased our rent by a hundred dollars.

I am really excited to be moving though.  The place is really nice and has been well maintained.  Plus we should have ourselves moved and situated before school starts for both of us.

Anyway that's what's going on from me.  If I stop posting all together it's probably because I got murdered.
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