♥Ujiminisisa Tirith and ♥Voladd Belfen
- Plan to conceive all e-kids.
- Choose not to watch television after dark.
- Share an interest in Babylon 5.
♥Estychion Tirith and ♥Celebriel Dehlia
- Will have 2.4 valuable kids.
- Enjoy opportunities to hold hands nearly everywhere.
- Make beautiful music together.
Awww... XD
♥Ravena Kellia and ♥Anashak Kellio
- Secretly had 2.4 stylish girls.
- Hope to write to each other at the most inconvenient times.
- Feel wanted in every country.
♥Ravena Mirei and ♥Hayin Seruji
- Are rumoured to have had a pair of demanding girls.
- Pretend to chat when permitted.
- Are the cutest couple that there ever will be.
Uhhh... So, what, Camben is secretly a girl? XD Pretty close, really.
♥Ravena Mirei and ♥Link Sennyoaiji
- Likely to adopt a handful of e-kids.
- Elect to almost elope when the time is right.
- Are the cutest couple that there ever will be.
♥Leilani Goodfellow and ♥Delwyn Hywel
- May one day have 2.4 adult kids.
- Elect to chat for the foreseeable future.
- Buy lavish gifts for each other.
Number of kids aside...that's surprisingly accurate.
♥Mona Hywel and ♥Rikayo Darenka
- Trying to adopt many related girls.
- Are prone to share their hearts on Saturdays.
- Have developed gills for extended kissing.
Well, then! XD
♥Philandre Murchadh and ♥Cullyn Goodfellow
- Will never adopt a pair of happy kids.
- Can't wait to lovingly serenade each other, except after meals, and after MacGyver.
- Defy the predictions and proclamations of any online toy.
*dies laughing*