
Jan 14, 2004 16:27

You are a Lurker.

Which fandom archetype are you?
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What Harry Potter Mary Sue cliche are you?

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Your Patronus is the Wolf! The wolf is a symbol of
wisdom, loyalty and independence. He is one of
history's more revered (and feared) characters.

That your Patronus is a wolf says that you are very
wise as a person. You tend to be loyal to your
friends, even when they screw up, but you are
also independent. Finding that balance is key;
finding it will ensure that you will be a
wonderful witch or wizard!

What is Your Patronus? Version 1
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Rei Kashino

Which Mars [by Fuyumi Soryo] character are you?
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What's My True Nationality?
Say it loud and proud: “Ich bin Deutsch” You would feel most at home in the country of snow-capped Bavarian Alps and the Black Forest, of the Rhine and picturesque Beer gardens.
Your personality makes a good fit in Germany, too. Like many Germans, you have a strong pragmatic mind. You tend to reject fantasy and daydreams and refuse to stray from what is tangible reality. You appreciate order, quality engineering and take pride in your own work; you are efficient, hard working and driven in what you do.
That said, you are also a great pleasure seeker. You have compartmentalized work and play in your life and in your mind: when you are working you are focused only on that, but come play time you are greatly attracted to concrete pleasure. You love nature and robust outdoor activities; cuisine is healthy and hearty; home life is simple and hospitable.
Munich is your soul city, with its picturesque architecture nestled away in the mountains, its warm, hospitable beer gardens and polite, welcoming people who work hard and play hard. I'm not very sure I agree with this, although I do have primarily German blood...

Mirisa_ardruna in The Uncool Way to StabIn this non-stop travesty, mirisa_ardruna (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is a respected hitman with a limp that she won't talk about. She has to find yuuo (Helen Hunt) before crime kingpin, beccastareyes (Kate Winslet), outwits her. Imagining that this plight is reversible, she charges into an underground caravan under false pretenses. This picture tells a thousand words. Most of them are interjections.

The OC
You're living in the OC, bitch! Sorry, got carried
away there. Wow, you're pretty and rich, huh?
Lucky for you. Normally we'd all hate you but
damn we just have this soft spot for Ryan. And
Seth. And Sandy. And Summer. And Kirsten. And
dare we forget Captain Oats? I think not.

Which TV show are you living?
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