Nov 24, 2003 19:13
It only just began, and already I hate this week.
Today is the EVIL FRENCH day. As in, I TRIED to get my tape in so I could do my lab exercises, but was it ready? Of COURSE not! Which means that I can't do my oral lab. Which means I lose points. Which is BAD. Goddamned French class. >_< And, can I do it tomorrow afternoon and turn it in same day? Probably not, because I have my stupid Biology recitation in the afternoon, so I probably won't be able to finish my labwork before the stupid lab closes. It does have evening hours, except I won't be on campus for them!
See, everyone has to be out of the dorms by 10 on Wednesday morning for Thanksgiving break, which probably means I'll be forced to go to my folks' on Tuesday, and not in time for me to go to the evening language lab hours, my Tuesday night gaming group (D20 Modern), OR my Chemistry group, where we're supposed to be doing our project write-up. We COULD have worked on it last week, but the only one of the group besides myself who showed up only came to tell me that he couldn't do it that night, the fucking bastards. (|(>_<) (>_<)|) (|(>_<) <---[Textual Bitchslap]
And, not only THAT, but I'm stuck at my folks' basically with no way out from Tuesday night through Sunday night, except for working the closing shift on Saturday and Sunday, and no extra hours either. That means three full days forced to be around my family, the thought of which makes me sick, even WITHOUT being under the baleful influences of hormones which decided to kick in this week (and one day late, no less), without even the benefit of internet access or decent TV to distract me from them.
So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a nap in the middle of 16th street until I either get crushed by a car running over me or I die of hypothermia, whichever comes first. >_