So, it's been how long, now?

Feb 13, 2008 01:26

Ugh, probably too long. Okay. Where to start? How about Christmas?

Christmas was good. I got a silver 4G iPod Nano and pajamas from the folks, and, bless her heart, the Seasons expansion for Sims 2 from dmoira. How I love her. ^_^ <3 I also got some beautiful handmade items from beccastareyes: a hat and scarf set for me and a blanket for Adrian. Adrian also got a lot of toys and books, and four head injuries in four days. Seriously. Saturday before Christmas, he slipped and hit his head on the side of the stairs and cut his head open. No stitches required, at least. The next day, climbing on the stairs, slips again and grazes the side of his head on them, garnering a minor scrape. Christmas Eve, reaching for a cat, he loses his balance on the stairs, falls on his head and bites his tongue. Christmas Day he was talking on his toy cell phone and walking, tripped and crashed into the cabinet and got a bump on his head. Nothing serious, just gut-wrenching, the little monkey. They're pretty much all healed up now, except for one small divot on his forehead. I don't know if it'll scar or not.

Ryan and I are, in fact, an official couple right now. Things are going pretty well. We spent New Year's together and will be having dinner on Valentine's. He and Adrian get along nicely. The folks like him, even, so yay there, and I think his parents like me too (I have met them both, though I don't think I've met his sister yet). "Dates" mostly consist of hanging out and watching movies, but that's ok. Every now and again the folks watch Adrian and we get some time to ourselves.

Oh, and we're both unemployed, for me for about three weeks now. Involuntarily, I might add. Then again, so are roughly 300 other people from the company. Oh, Nelnet. It wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been so darned abrupt. Seriously, there was no warning whatsoever. I was told on my lunch to just go home, so sorry. So, looking for something new, though no good leads yet. Verizon rejected me and State Farm didn't have anything available for me yet. I also need to go and register for government stuff again here, at least Medicaid for Adrian. Of course, aside from the no income bit, I don't terribly mind the stay-at-home-mom stint (and, no, Adrian is no longer going to the sitter's).

This also means I am holding off on the cell phone bit for right now, though I think I may have a pretty good idea of what I want when the time comes. Yes, I will inform those curious of my number in a friends-locked post once the information is available.

So, the Nebraska Democratic Party apparently decided to forgo the usual spring presidential primary for a caucus this year, the first one for our state, and I went and participated like a good little citizen. ^_^ For the record, it was packed. Like sardines. Seriously, there were about six times the people there as had been expected for voter turnout. But, at the end of it, my dad ended up becoming our precinct's delegate to the county convention for Senator Clinton, so that's pretty cool, I guess.

Some of you may have noticed my Flickr account is now AWOL. Yeah... To cut the story short, Dad went to it and went ballistic, stating that many of my photos are illegal (yeah, WTF?) and could result in Adrian being taken away, blah, blah, blah. And he made me delete the entire account (not just the photos, mind you, the whole damned enchilada, which, for the record, was paid for until 2009) on the spot. Mom's reaction was similar, though she didn't see a single photo. I am still taking the daily photos though, just because I feel I ought to. The parents are not going to be forgiven for this little maneuver anytime soon, if ever.

Speaking of creative projects, I am making some headway on things. I should probably do more for the Omrakian stuff (Pathwalker and the dictionary), though I did finish a meta-revamp on the dictionary very recently (still tons to do, though). I'm into the "G" section (and fairly close to wrapping it up, probably by month's end) for the name book entries with my current sources. Yay. I've done a few art pieces, and Ryan's requested a piece from me for whenever I get the chance of one of his D&D characters. Should be fun. I'm also working on another RP-based fiction piece that will be eight chapters, the first is more or less completed (aside from revisions) and the second is started. I also am getting ever closer to finishing AMV #6, so that'll be good.

Call me a total dork, but with my brand new expansion, I started my own Sims 2 Legacy in my Strangetown neighborhood, though I'm really not keeping track of any of the point values for the official Legacy challenge--it's just my own little experiment. My founder Sim is Eva Legacy, a Knowledge Sim, and she started things off as a college student, where she started her own Greek house. She just barely managed to get into the Secret Society, as in, she was inducted on her first day of the postgraduate break. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA and a degree in Mathematics (I think). She was a Plant Sim accidentally for a while, but I changed her back to human in time for her wedding. Currently, she has married her Townie husband and Family Sim Bruce (who looks infinitely better after a couple appearance changes) and already achieved her Lifetime goal of becoming a Criminal Mastermind. Bruce is currently working as a Senior College Professor and trying to reach his lifetime goal of reaching the top of the Education career ladder... whatever it happens to be (I don't have the accompanying guide at this time and for whatever reason, it's not listed on his panel). Bruce does have an odd habit of bringing home a female work friend who's about 9 months pregnant for reasons I can't fathom. They have three children: twin toddler boys David and Solomon and infant heiress daughter Ruth. They also have two cats, Bonkers (who has reached the top of the Show Business career) and Bastet (about level 3 in the Service career), and are expecting a litter of kittens in two Sim days.

Oh, and I am also the proud owner of three lovely wajas (I bought 'em all myself), two females and a male, and both of my girls are expecting pups on the 18th, so yay. My male is the father of both litters-to-be. For anyone who cares, my user ID number there is 67435.

And, while we're on the subject of growing families, mine is too! No, I'm not pregnant again (not yet, anyway), but my sister-in-law is. She's maybe a month along, so I should have a new niece or nephew around the end of summer. ^_^

writing, cell phones, politics, art, work, photos, family, guys, sims 2, holidays, dating, christmas, wajas, pregnancy

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