Back at last!!!

Aug 15, 2005 20:04

Home at last!!!!!

CORDELIA!!! Did you get my gift? I can't for the life of me remember if it actually made it to the mailbox before I left...please say it did...

The drive to MA was uneventful. We got there around four, with just enough time to kiss our relatives hello, shrug on our fancy wear and run to the wedding. Which wasn't all that great. I can only remember going to three weddings in my life, one of which I was the flower girl of, and they were ALL much better than this one. Let's just say since the Catholic church isn't to keen on second marriages, Uncle Henri and his new wife did not exactly get married in a cathedral. It was more like the Knights of Columbus meeting hall. In front of the pool table. Ah well.
Afterwards was the drive to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Quebec is amazing. This is the second time I've been there, and it never ceases to astonish how many Haitians live there. I mean, they are ALL OVER THE PLACE. Half of my huge family lives there, and I can easily see why. There is lots of open space, the houses in the suburbs are large and beautiful. And the air is clean. I haven't smelled such clean air since Salagnac, Haiti.
Everything is in both French and English, though the majority in French. All my family over there speaks nothing but fluent French, broken English, and Creole. Even though I tried to get around the language thing by simply speaking Creole, you can only say so much. The adults are fluent but my Canadien born cousins Creole is limited. I was forced to practice my long out of use French soon enough. It came back after about half a day's struggling and my cousin Danny, Uncle Justin's son, laughing his head off at me. At least, as he said, I try. Tammy just clammed and said nothing, and if she did say something, it was in Creole. Either that or shouting in English and windmillng her arms around, trying to make them understand. She picked up some phrases after a few hours, though ( she's fast!) and things got easier.
In Montreal, KFC is called PFK: Poulet Frits Kentucky. I thought that was hilarious.
Most of the two days was spent visiting friends and family long isolated from us by distance. I haven't seen my biological Uncle Guy, mny dad's big brother, ever. My father hasn't seen him in thirty years-his wife, apparently, has some sort of travel phobia and won't go near a car or plane. The reunion was VERY long and slightly tearful. I met three cousins I should have been close to but have never met: Romy, Melissa, and Nick. All of the people on my father's side are VERY light skinned, and have very straight hair. You would never know that they're Haitian, honestly. Upon meeting them, I thought they were French. My Grandmother on my dad's side *was* French, so all of my uncles on my father's side are of varying skin color. My dad is the darkest of all of them, and he didn't inherit the French hair ( something I mourn everytime I wash my own disobedient hair...just chop it all off...)
There were lot's of other things of course, but this entry is long enough already. Suffice to say that I had fun and now I'm going to have many, many visitors for Christmas.
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