Send me your slush. No really.

Jun 11, 2007 11:12

Hey writer/editor types

I'm teaching a class on getting published at the St. Rose summer academy in July, and I'm mostly going to focus it on learning to think like a publisher/editor. I'm looking for honest-to-god slush piles (preferably without names attached, but I can block out and rephotocopy if needed) to give the kids and so I can have them talk about which pieces *they* would publish, and why.

(If you don't have a slush pile but want to know if 6th-10th graders would like your work, I suppose you could send/e-mail me some samples too, but you won't actually get published.)

Please pass this along to others you know who may edit any kind of literary publication (or other publications that get a lot of submissions) or judge contests. I'm open to sample pitches from newsy/consumer pubs too.

I would need them by July 6. Contact me for shipping address; I'll cover postage.

request, writing

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